Thursday, November 28, 2019
Dr. Brenda J. Little Essays - Mississippi, Electrochemistry
Dr. Brenda J. Little Dr. Brenda J. Little of the Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center is the recipient of the 1995 Women in Science and Engineering Award. This award recognizes specific or special scientific or technical contributions by a woman scientist in the Federal service and specific contributions made by a woman scientist toward encouraging young girls and women to pursue science or engineering careers, or enhance employment, promotional or development opportunities for women scientists in their field. Dr. Little, head of the Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Section at NRL, has worked on MIC projects for the Department of Energy and the U. S. Army, and has served as a consultant to the U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Atomic Energy Laboratory of Canada. In addition to her accomplishments in basic research, Dr. Little also works on U. S. Navy platforms to identify and control MIC. Her research has been used to determine the cause of corrosion failures in weapons systems, seawater piping systems, storage tanks and other U. S. Navy equipment. She is currently investigating fungal growths on wooden spools and corrosion of wire ropes used to transfer people and weapons between ships. In 1988 Dr. Little received a patent award for an innovative dual-cell corrosion measuring device, the only published technique for quantifying the electrochemical impact of microorganisms on metal surfaces. In 1985 she was selected by the National Science Foundation as one of eight American Scientists to attend a workshop on biodeterioration in La Plata, Argentina, and to attend a similar NSF workshop in Paris, France in 1988. Dr. Little is an adjunct professor at the University of Southern Mississippi and Montana State University, and has collaborative research with investigators at Harvard University, University of Southern California, University of South Alabama, University of Tennessee, Texas A&M University, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The Singing River Chapter of the American Business Women's Association selected Dr. Little as one of the ten 1990 Women of the Year on the Gulf Coast for her participation in programs for women in science and technology. She has been keynote speaker for several Women in Science and Technology Conferences for the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, has participated in career day programs sponsored by the Girl Scouts Chapters of Mississippi, and has presented lectures at honors classes in chemistry and biology and local schools. She is a member of the American Chemical Society, the Adhesion Society, the Electrochemical Society, the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Sigma Xi, Federally Employed Women, and the Mississippi Academy of Science. She has served the Gulf Coast Chapter of Sigma Xi as secretary, president-elect, president and past president. In addition to numerous performance awards, Dr. Little was selected for "Who's Who in Technology Today" and "American Men and Women in Science" in 1986, received NRL publications awards in 1981 and 1986, received an invention award and Best NRL Patent Award for 1989, and the NRL Alan Berman Research Publication Award in 1994.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Pinochets Medical Report Essays - RTT, Augusto Pinochet
Pinochets 'Medical Report' Essays - RTT, Augusto Pinochet Pinochets 'Medical Report' pinochets 'medical report' Senator Pinochet has a complex medical history, but the main active medical problems at present are diabetic peripheral neuropathy and recently progressive cerebrovascular brain damage. The diabetic neuropathology is contributing to difficulties in walking and to the observed tendency to postural hypertension. The diabetes will also have predisposed to arterial disease as will a past history of smoking The cerebrovascular disease has manifested partly as minor strokes and transient asthmatic attacks but also causes progressive damage without acute symptoms. There is clinical evidence of extensive damage to the brain. This includes bilateral damage to pyramidal tracts to cause spasticity symptoms and to the basal ganglia producing features of parkinsonism. The presence of primitive reflexes indicates damage to the frontal lobes and the memory defecit is comparable with bilateral damage to temporal lobe structures. Difficulties in comprehension are secondary to the memory deficit. While much of the damage is attributable to areas of the brain served by the basilar artery (shown to be calcified, in the CT scans) the frontal lobe impairment indicates more generalised arterial disease. Fitness for trial Physically: Senator Pinochet would at present be able to attend a trial but as features of cerebrovascular damage have progressed despite optimal treatment (with good control of diabetes and blood pressure and antiplaseler agents) further deterioration in both physical and mental condition is likely. Mentally: It is our view that Senator Pinochet would not at the present be mentally capable of meaningful participation in a trial. We base this opinion on: 1. Memory defecit for both recent and remote events. 2. Limited ability to understand complex sentences and questions owing to memory impairment and consequent inability to process verbal information appropriately. 3. Impaired ability to express himself audibly, succinctly and relevantly. 4. Easy fatiguability With these impediments he would be unable to follow the progress of a trial sufficiently to instruct counsel. He would have difficulty in understanding the content and implications of questions put to him and would have inadequate insight into his difficulty. His memory of remote events is impaired. He would have difficulty making himself heard and understood in replying to questions. We are satisfied that the impediments we have identified are due to brain damage, as they are coherent in nature and consistent in manifestation and formal neuropsychological testing showed none of the features of deliberate exaggeration of impairment. In particular those neuropsychological tests indicative of original intelligence and educational levels (such as the vocabulary scale of the WAIS)show superior performance. At present, Senator Pinochet shows no evidence of clinical depression. Situational stress, as likely to be occasioned by trial, produces physiological responses that could accelerate the progression of vascular disease. We were told, however, that Senator Pinochet has in the past shown notable personal abilities in managing stress. We therefore do not feel able to express any useful opinion on the possible effects on his health of undergoing trial. The major episodes of damage seem to have occurred in a cluster of thromboembolic events during September and October 1999. There has been sufficient time for the great majority of any expected spontaneous recovery from these events to have taken place. Although some day to day fluctuation in functional abilities is characteristic of brain damage due to cerebrovascular disease we consider further sustained functional improvement of a significant degree unlikely. Background - the rest of the report: Professor Sir John Grimley Evans, Dr M J Denham, and Professor Andrew Lees undertook a clinical consultation with Senator Pinochet at Norwick Park Hospital on January 25th 2000. The consultation was undertaken in Spanish. Also present: Dr Henry Olivi (Observer) Prof. D J Thomas (Observer) Nurse Shelley Cape, Manuel Cerda (Senator Pinochet's valet) Recent Medical History: Following surgical decompression of lumber spine in 1998 Senator Pinochet was troubled for some weeks by severe headache across the brow. This resolved spontaneously. For the last 8 to 9 months he has noted difficulty in walking and now can only cover 200 yards before his legs become too weak to continue. He now walks with a stick. Numbness of the soles of his feet has also progressed over that time. Over the last ten months he has noticed a gradual
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Outdoor Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Outdoor Education - Essay Example Gender is arguably the most ubiquitous individual difference that is attracting considerable interest in the outdoor education field. In spite of this trend, there is a lack of critical reviews of the anecdotal and research literature. This paper examines the impact of gender on outdoor education experiences in areas which were chosen to be pertaining to staffing ratios, participant ratings of outdoor leaders, group processes and program outcomes. This paper is primarily a review of the research literature on the effect of gender on people's outdoor education experiences because while a reasonable body of research exists, there is a rarity in reviews of the research literature which draw on insights from the anecdotal literature. Although a comprehensive understanding of the impact that gender differences have in outdoor education is not yet developed, the interest in the filed is increasing and answers to such questions are starting to become available. With this research, it is hope that outdoor educators can make adjustments to their programs to account for gender differences. Preliminary research indicates that there are two types of literature on the influence of gender in outdoor education. The first type comprises articles and books based mostly on accumulated experience and anecdotal evidence of outdoor education practitioners. ... 2.0 Review of Related Literature 2.1Types of Gender Literature in Outdoor Education Preliminary research indicates that there are two types of literature on the influence of gender in outdoor education. The first type comprises articles and books based mostly on accumulated experience and anecdotal evidence of outdoor education practitioners. In the 1960's and 1970's, the literature pertained mostly about outdoor education for delinquent boys but the 1980's and the 1990's registered a shift in emphasis as the works became mostly authored by women who tended to focus on expressing and explaining females' experiences of the outdoors in single-sex and mixed-sex settings. The second type of gender literature in outdoor education is research studies which use qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies. The majority of these studies does not investigate the role of gender in outdoor education but mentions gender as a variable in studies of the processes and outcomes of outdoor education. While the dichotomy is not clear for many the outdoor education, the two sources of literature are distinct and make surprisingly little use of each other. As an example, in her introduction to a recent book "Women's Voices in Experiential Education", Angelou (1996) commented that: "I find it noteworthy that no authors in this volume use quantitative justification as a basis for their essays...the experiences and voices of women are the foundation for hypothesis and analysis for contributors to this text" (p.4). On the other hand, the literature remarkably lacks a critical analysis in its reporting of gender-related outdoor education findings with the results often presented in a couple of sentences while the discussions rarely utilize the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
HRD Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
HRD - Research Paper Example This paper seeks to provide a synthesis of academic/scholarly literature written on work-life initiative, and give a literature review on the work-life initiative. This paper will focus on eldercare as a work-life initiative. Traditionally, elderly care is a responsibility of members of a family, and is provided in the homes of the extended family. However, in modern states, care for the elderly is provided by charitable institutions or state. This is due to the decreasing size of families, geographical dispersion of families, greater life expectancy, and tendency of women to work outside homes and access to education. Various countries provide differing forms of elderly care, rapidly changing. This is because there are various regional differences regarding taking care of the elderly. It has been noted that globally that elderly care consume majority of health expenditures compared to other age groups. Increasing large proportion of the elderly has also been accounted for globally ( Petterson, Donnersvard, Lagerstrom & Toomingas, 2006). In most of the western countries, facilities of elderly care are within residential family care homes, continuing care retirement communities, nursing homes, and freestanding assisted living facilities. These facilities have supervisory and support staff that provide board and room, rehabilitation services, and personal care in a family environment. Evidence shows that eldercare programs are a care service that provides free, confidential assistance to senior citizens: the elderly. The programs offer a wide range of services including informative lectures and workshops; confidential, free counseling, assessment, consultation, and referral to both long distance and local facilities; and periodic group meetings with caregiver support (Denton, 2012). There are different benefits of eldercare initiatives depending on different countries. However, in most western nations, senior citizens receive social security and eldercare benefits . Social security and Medicare are long term benefits that the elderly receive. Receiving such benefits often begin at 65 and continue until death. This is a long time approach paid out in many years (Ansah, Matchar, Love, Malhotra, Chan & Eberlein, 2013). Eldercare services are normally paid for by the working class. Money is taken out of every paycheck until the retirement age when such people begin to receive money every month to survive on. Senior citizens make the majority of those receiving social security. This is termed as elder care benefit and benefits people who live up to the qualified age to receive it. Long term eldercare is a relief to the population of senior citizens as it lasts for years of receiving monthly payment to live on. However, government has a way to ensure beneficiaries qualify for the benefits (Ansah, Matchar, Love, Malhotra, Chan & Eberlein, 2013). Apart from social security, there are other long term benefits that come with the eldercare program. Prog rams like Medicare and Medicaid are available to the elderly at the age of retirement. These two programs supplement the eldercare program with accessible and affordable health programs, and limited co-pay. The programs help the elderly with all sorts of care they require so as to live and keep their places of living without
Monday, November 18, 2019
Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15
Nursing research - Essay Example Secondly, a researcher can establish criterion validity by measuring the tool against itself. In this case, a researcher can establish the criterion-based validity by investigating the way that the tool will be able to predict measures in the future. There are four forms of reliability. Among these four forms of reliability is internal consistency reliability, which investigates the level to which disparate instruments that are investigating the same phenomenon produced results that were different. Consequently, this form of reliability is further divided into two sub-types with one of the sub-types known as split-half reliability. As the name suggests, spilt-half reliability is achieved through splitting into two halves the items in a test whose intention is to establish an investigation in the same area of knowledge. In effect, this forms two sets of items that will undergo testing in order to establish the reliability of the tool. In this case, the two sets of items undergo the testing with similar tools with their scores then computed, and the researcher finally obtains the split-half reliability by a correlative determination of the ââ¬Ësetââ¬â¢ scores between this set of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Introduction To The Perfect Competition
Introduction To The Perfect Competition Microeconomics is about economizing choices among alternatives uses of scarce resources. The choices are made up by the individuals. businesses, and government units. Scarcity can be say as the central of the economic theory. Economic analysis is fundamentally about the maximization of leisure time, wealth, health, happiness, these are all commonly reduced to the concept of utility subjects to constraints. These constraints or scarcity define a trade off. For example, we can have more money by working harder, but less time because there are only so many hours in a day, so time is a scarce. Microeconomics, which deals with individual agents, such as households and business and macroeconomics that is considered the economy as a whole, in which case it considered aggregate supply and demand for money, capital and commodities. In short, microeconomics is to study about the economics behavior of individual consumers, firms, and industries and the distribution of production and income amon g them. It can be considers individuals both as supplier of labour and capital and as the ultimate consumers of the final product. Beside that, it can be use to analysis both firms both as suppliers of products and as consumers of labour and capital. Microeconomics also helps to seek analyze the market or the types of mechanism that establish relative prices among the goods and services or allocates societys resources among their many alternative uses. Microeconomics is a very important knowledge in the study of economic theory, it has both theoretical and practical implications. Microeconomics is a great help that are efficient in managing the limited resources available in the country and it is helpful to understand the work of the free enterprise economy where there is no central control. Microeconomics is the basis of welfare economics, it is used to construct the economic models for the better understanding of the actual economic phenomena. Microeconomics also explains how thro ugh market mechanism goods and services produced in the community are distributed. Microeconomics is utilized to explain the gains from international trade, balance of payments disequilibrium and the determination of foreign exchange rate. 2.0 Introduction to Monopoly Monopoly is the market structure that exist a single seller and a very large amount of buyers and selling products that have no close substitution and also have a very high entry and exit barrier. In our country, the example of monopoly market are the TNB, Indah Water, and Telekom Malaysia (TM Berhad). If people want to subscribe home telephone services they only can go to the Telekom Malaysia ( TM Berhad ), because Telekom Malaysia (TM Berhad ) is a monopoly. The word monopoly is a latin word, where mono means single and poly means sellers. Monopoly have firms that it is the only supplier in the market, and there will be no close substitute towards the output so monopoly have no treat of competition. 2.1 Characteristics of Monopoly There are some characteristics of monopoly market. According to ( monopolies have the ability to maintain a very normal profits in the long run. As with all firms, profits are maximized when Marginal Cost ( MC ) = Marginal Revenue (MR). In overall, the profit level are well depend upon the degree of the competition in the market, which for a pure monopoly is zero. At the profit maximization, MC = MR, and the output is Q and the price is P. Given that the price ( AR ) is above ATC at Q, supernormal profits are possible ( area P,A,B,C ). Super-normal-profits Monopoly exists when there is only one seller of a product. Monopoly is the firm that only exist in the industry selling a product that has no close substitution. Monopoly market is the place where the monopoly firm operates. In short, there is no difference between a firm and an industry in monopoly as there is only have one seller. A monopolist is a price maker, price maker are defined as firm which has the market power to control the prices. Since there is only one seller or producer so they have the power to control the price of their products in the market. Monopoly firm only sell product that has no close substitute, so that consumers or buyers could not find any substitute for the product that they require. For example, electric supply from our country can only found in TNB which has no close substitute for it. In the monopoly market, there is also some strict barriers to the entry of new firm. Barriers to entry are most likely natural or legal restrictions that restrict the e ntry of new firms into the industry because it is very high cost to enter a market that can support only one business example: TNB, Indah Water and Telekom Berhad. So a monopolist faces no competition because of the barriers of entry because other producer cannot compete with them due to they dont have the resource at their disposal. Business in monopoly firm may have the copyright for its own product so it will be illegal for other producer to duplicate its product. In short, barriers to entry are designed to block potential entrants from entering a market profitably because barriers to entry are to protect the monopoly power of existing firms and therefore it maintain the supernormal or abnormal profits in the long run. Advertising in monopoly market are depend on the products that the producer sold because if products are luxury goods such as imported car, then the monopoly needs some advertisement to promote their goods so that the consumers are informed about it. Local public u tilities such as water, electricity and home phone services do not require advertisement because consumers will know where to obtain it because there is only one to get the products. 2.2 Conclusion for Question 1 In conclusion, we have learned about monopoly is a market structure that is only single seller and a large numbers of buyers and products that have no substitution. And also there is a very strict barrier of entry and exit to the monopoly market. 3.0 Introduction to The perfect competition Perfect competition is a type of market where there are large number of buyers and sellers, the sellers sell identical or homogeneous product. There is also free entry and exists of the firms. Both of the buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge of the market. 3.1 Characteristics of The perfect competition There are some necessary conditions or requirements in order to be in a perfect competition market. Being with the perfect competition market, there is an important feature of perfect competition is the existence of the large number of buyers and sellers. The market is so small compared to the overall industry where a single seller sells in the market. For example, in the poultry industry, there are thousands of duck producers in Malaysia and each firm produces only a small fraction of the total poultry industry. Another conditions for perfect competition market is that the firm must sell homogenous or standardized product because the buyers do not differentiate the products of one seller to another seller. For example, the buyers cant differentiate about the ducks that is selling in the Firm A and Firm B. Hence, the firm cant charge different prices for the same product in the market. Once the buyers notice the difference of the quality, packaging, colour or design of different sell ers, then this market is no more in the state of perfect competition market. Even the products are similar but if there is a difference in terms of the packaging and quality then the product is not a homogenous or standardized product anymore. Under the perfect competition market, there is no restriction on entry of new firms to the industry or exit of the firms from the industry. A firm can enter the perfect competition easily and exit the perfect competition anytime if the firm wants. For example when he/she has the necessary factors of production like land, labour and capital then he/she can operate the business already. If the firm suffers from losses it can leave the industry without any rules and regulations or restrictions. 3.2 Introduction to The monopolistic competition Monopolistic competition is a market structure that have large numbers of small sellers selling differentiated products but these are close substitute products and also have a easy entry into and exit from the market. Compare to perfect competition, monopolistic competition market produce different and sold different but the goods are close substitutes for one another. There are many products in the world represent monopolistic competition such as clothes, shoes, books and other items. 3.3 Characteristics of The monopolistic competition The characteristics of monopolistic competition market are quite similar with the perfect competition. Similar to perfect competition, there are large numbers of sellers and buyers under the monopolistic competition market. There are large number of firms existing in the monopolistic competition market but it is less as compared to the perfect competition market. Since the size of the firms are small, there is no individual firm can influence the market price. But, if each firm in monopolistic competition market produces different or unique products then they will have some control over the prices. Hence, each firm follows an independent price-output policy. For example, in wax industry, the prices of a 100ml wax range among brands such as gasby, mudwax, spiky and other firms as well. Product differentiation means that the product in the firm is selling or producing are not identical. In monopolistic market competition, the firms that producing the goods are different from its compet itor. Each seller will use different methods to differentiate their product from other sellers to attract the buyers and consumers. Product differentiation will gone through the packaging, design, labeling, advertising and brand name. For example, if the firm sold eggs that is in the open shelf, then the eggs will category in perfect competition market. But if the firm packaged their egg in a packaged box and labeled as Best Protein Egg, then this egg is in the monopolistic competition market. In monopolistic competition market, there is no entry and exit barriers in monopolistic competition. However, the entry and exit into the monopolistic competition market is not as easy as the perfect competition market because of the products differentiation. If any new firms that enter the industry, they have to find some differentiation with the existing brands. For example, if Chicken A1 wants to enter the soup industry, then the firm must find some difference in term of quality, taste, lab eling, and packaging in order to be in the monopolistic competition market. In the monopolistic competition market, there will be stiff competition with other firms for their products and not for the price of the product. Monopolistic competitive firms do not compete using the prices because of the products in the market are having a lot of substitutes. So, the producers or sellers uses various methods to attract the customers to buy their products. Types of non-price competition practices in monopolistic competition market are advertisements, promotion, discounts, free gifts, after-sales service and others. 3.4 Introduction to The oligopoly Oligopoly is the market structure that there are only a few enough firms selling either standardized or differentiated products and it is very restricted to enter the entry and exit from the market. Under the market structure, some or all the firms in the industry can earn abnormal profits in the long run. This is because of the entry of new firms is difficult or impossible. The oligopolistic firms can impose barriers to the entry in terms of patents or access to a certain technology in the market. The purpose of it is to control excess the production of output, which is unprofitable for the oligopolistic firms. The example of the oligopoly markets are cigarettes, automobiles, electrical equipment and cement. 3.5 Characteristics of The oligopoly The characteristics of oligopoly market are having few numbers of firms. Under oligopoly, the number of firms is small but the size of the firms is large. The market share of each firm that is large enough to dominate the whole market. Few firms control the overall industry under oligopoly. But there is also no specific numbers to control the market before becoming oligopolistic. The main important criterion to become oligopolistic is to have mutual interdependence between these firms. Under the situation like this, firms will considered the reactions of its rivals in decision making to create strategic interdependence. There will be strong interdependence among all the firms in the oligopolistic market as the number of the firms will become smaller. But if the number of the firms become larger, then the interdependence between these firms will diminish. In oligopoly market, a product that is sold under oligopoly can be either a homogeneous or a differentiated product. Example, cemen t or electrical appliances produced by one firm are identical to another firm. Firms that is in oligopolistic market always consider the reaction of other firm rivals when both are choosing price, sales target, advertising budgets and other business policies. This is the important characteristic of an oligopoly firm that differs from other market structures. Because of the number of firms is small, changes in price or output by one firm can have direct effect on another firm. Under the situation of oligopolistic market, there are plenty barriers to entry that is similar to monopoly. The oligopoly firms have restricted new entrants into the markets. The barriers are to control the certain resources, ownership of patent and copyright, exclusive financial requirements and other legal barriers. In short, large firms may take drastic actions in order to prevent the entry of new firms by flooding the market. These large firms will produce the output at excess production capacity, which wo uld drive the price down. That means new firms that is newly set up will not survive because sometimes the price are set by these large firms is below the cost price. Once the new firms are out of the market, the large firms will reduce the production capacity and increase the product price. 3.6 Introduction to The monopoly Monopoly is a market structure where there is only one firm in the industry and there is no substitution to it. Monopoly have a very high entry and exit barrier because it is very high cost to enter a market that can support only one business. Monopoly is also a price maker, which has the market power to control the price. 3.7 Characteristics of The monopoly Monopoly is just the only seller of the product. The monopoly firm will be the only firm industry that is selling product that has no close substitution at all. Which means consumers can only find the only firm that is selling the only product, consumers could not find any substitute for the product. Besides that, monopoly market have a very strict barriers to the entry of the new firm. Advertising in monopoly market is actually depend on the product it sold. Normally public utilities such as water, electricity and home phone services do not need advertisement because people will know where to go for the product unless it is luxury goods like imported car then it will be needed advertisement to let consumers know about it.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Depreciation of the Candaian Dollar :: essays papers
Depreciation of the Candaian Dollar Canada has been increasing its prestige as a high-tech, industrial, society since the end of World War II. In many ways it resembles very closely its southern North American cousin, the United States. Some of those similarities are residing in its market-orientated system, pattern of production, and its high standard of living. Most years following the war up to the present, Canada has experienced some kind of continued growth as a prosperous and developed country. However, during the year of 1998, Canada experienced an unexpected large depreciation in their dollar relative to the United States. Late in August of that year, in fact, the value reached an all-time low. During this paper, I will try to present some of the possible economic factors that may or may not have led to this change in Canadaââ¬â¢s exchange rate. I will also examine some additional analysis and theories as to why the trend possibly occurred. Exchange Rate As the year 1998 approached, the trend for the Canadian dollar was on a steady decrease in value in relation to the U.S. dollar. With each passing year the dollar lost some value as the table below demonstrates. Year 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 Exchange Rate 1.16 1.38 1.36 1.38 1.48 All data tables extrapolated from the Cambridge Forecasts Country Report, unless otherwise noted. It took an exceptional hit during the year, moving the rate from 1.38 U.S. dollars to 1.48 in U.S. dollars. The plunge is better exhibited in Appendix 1, with the sharp decrease of the dollar illustrated graphically and more specifically, with Appendix 2 showing the drop throughout the year of 1998 alone. Growth Rate In terms of growth rate, the years leading up to the exchange rate drop in 1998 showed very typical numbers. There was nothing out of the ordinary, or anything to hint at a sharp decrease in the value of the Canadian dollar. As highlighted below, up to 1998, the economy was growing at a slow but steady rate each year. Both the Total Gross Domestic Product and percentage of GDP real growth were increasing overall. Year 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 GDP (bill. of U.S. $) 573966 584044 611602 631193 603978 Year 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 GDP Real Growth (%) N/A 2.3 1.6 3.7 3.1 However as the numbers for 1998 indicate, the depreciation of the dollar definitely took a significant chunk out of the Total Gross Domestic Product, dropping it below 1996ââ¬â¢s levels.
Monday, November 11, 2019
History of Vietnamese Essay
According to research findings, the history of Vietnam can be traced back to four thousand years. It is evident that this nation was under the rule of China between the periods 111BC to the beginning of the tenth century. This nation is known to have gained sovereignty early years of the 10th century. During the Yuan Dynasty, this nation repelled three invasions by Mongols. A look at the history of Vietnam shows that the independent period was cut short by France. This is when France decided to colonize Vietnam. When there was the World War II, the French were expelled by Imperial Japan. It is worth noting that this nation however, decided to retain the French administrators. When the war ended French tried to re-colonize Vietnam but failed because of the tight measures that were present at that time. (Nguy? n, 1999) Chinese dominated Vietnam during the period between 111BC and 938 AD. In 111BC, the Chinese invaded a region in Vietnam called Nanyue and literary established territories therein. During this period, the Chinese had some posts in the Vietnamese government. These posts included top officials and governors posts. The Vietnamese also managed some hightlands. These Vietnamese that had these management posts at that time were nobles. With time the Chinese dynasties decided to eliminate the Vietnamese nobles and their powers. Many elites in Vietnamese were coerced to assimilate the politics and the culture of the Chinese. The French colonized Vietnam till the 19th century. In the year 1784, there was a French priest who sailed to Vietnam to seek for some assistance. This assistance was in line with military backing. There was the brokering of the Little Treaty of Versailles that saw the promise of the aid that the priest requested for. Later on there was the breaking of the French revolution and therefore the Pigneaux plan did not succeed. In the year 1799, there was the capturing of Saigon. There was Dynasty of Nguyen in the year 1802. This dynasty tolerated Catholicism. It is worth noting that he employed some of the Europeans as advisors in the courts. The successors of this man (Nguyen), did not embrace westernization as expected during this time. They were very conservative instead. In the year 1858, the French gunships attacked the Da Nang port. During this time much damage was done on the property in this dam. In the year 1867, the French troops expanded their overall control. This was up to six provinces. Then there was the formation of the French Colony. Later on many French troops invaded Vietnam. Between the year 1884 to the year 1885, France assumed total control of Vietnam. This was after the Chinese- Franco War. There was the formation of French Indochina. (Fitzgerald, 1972) French colonialism was bitterly opposed by many Vietnamese. This was because the French literary took over the leadership powers in this nation. First of all there was the formation of policies that greatly affected the Vietnamese people negatively. There was so much oppression on the Vietnamese people. The policies included that the Vietnamese citizens could not hold most of the top positions or jobs in the government. Very few Vietnamese citizens that were employed were lowly paid and this issue made the Vietnamese to bitterly oppose the French colonialism. (Fitzgerald, 1972) Another reason is that there was direct discrimination of the Vietnamese citizens in many areas. This was in terms of education health and also housing sector. There was very minimal education for the Vietnamese people. There were schools that the Vietnamese were not allowed to attend but were just reserved for the French children or citizens. This actually denied the Vietnamese access to good education. In the health sector, the Vietnamese were not allowed to attend the good hospitals in Vietnam. It is only the French that easily accessed these essential facilities. In fact research reveals that health provision for the Vietnamese was non existent. This discrimination was extended even up to the residential sector. There were estates that were just reserved for the French people. The Vietnamese could not access this essential facility. This actually greatly annoyed the Vietnamese citizens. (Nguyen, 1885) Another thing that greatly annoyed the Vietnamese till they decided to oppose the French colonialism was the execution of Vietnam citizens. There was the massacre of leaders of various nationalist groups in Vietnam. These were especially those that tried to oppose the French colonialism. During the period when French colonized Vietnam, there was so much exploitation and oppression of the Vietnamese citizens. In fact all the rights of the Vietnamese were totally removed when French took over the control of this nation. The French government in Vietnam made no attempts to better the lives of Vietnamese. There was so much degradation of the Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese women were forced to be prostitutes so that they could provide the French male administrators with entertainment. Colonialists just lived a gracious and carefree lifestyle as the Vietnamese suffered. This factor made Vietnamese to bitterly oppose French colonialism. In relation to this there were so many movements that were formed against French colonialism. The only group of people that did not oppose the French colonialism was the nobles in Vietnam. This is because they were given some of the prestigious posts in the administration sector. The Vietnamese nobles were actually respected by the French colonialists. They were given some rights like in the education and the health sector. This made them not to feel the oppression that was carried out on the rest of the Vietnamese citizens. They actually shared so much with the French colonialists. The other reason as to why they never opposed the French colonialists was because they feared to lose their prestigious jobs. They were so used to the good lifestyle and therefore never wanted to lead the life that the rest of the Vietnamese led. This is because all the other citizens in Vietnam were greatly oppressed by the colonialist government. There was also the fear of execution in case the colonialists found out about there opposition. For these reasons the nobles in Vietnam never opposed the French colonialists. (Nguyen, 1885) There were also the communist Viet Minh that collaborated with the French. One of the communist called Ho signed an agreement to allow the French to continue to rule in Vietnam. The communists said that they just love French and that the French people were heroes. Research shows that there were so many arguments for and against Vietnamese independence in 1945. One of the arguments by scholars against the independence of Vietnam is very clear. The scholars argued that Vietnam was not ready for independence due to various reasons. One of the reasons was that because of the colonization, the Vietnamese citizens were not so much learned. They had been marginalized by the French colonialists. This meant that they did not have the necessary leadership skills to rule the Vietnam government. This is considering that the colonialists took quite a long time in this nation. That for over eighty years these Vietnamese citizens had gotten used to being led and every policy done for the. So the argument was that these citizens were not very educated to take up this noble responsibility. The few noble citizens that were given a chance to work in the government did not have enough experience. This made people to argue that Vietnamese could not have independence at that time. It wad argued that the lack of skilled personnel that could lead this nation could lead to the down fall of the overall economy of these nation. (Fitzgerald, 1972) . Still other arguments that were against were that the noble officials in this nation were the only ones that stood a high chance of leading this nation. Considering that they had been working hand in hand with the colonialists, there were high chances that the new government would carry forward previous policies and leadership skills that would be no different from the French colonialists. There was the strong fear of dictatorship in this nation. This is just what happened when Vietnam gained independence in the year 1945. (Nguy? n, 1999) The arguments for Vietnamese independence were that these people had suffered a great deal in the hands of French colonialists and therefore it was a high time that they led a good life. This was a high chance of a life devoid of oppression and where every person was equal with equal rights to the services and amenities in the nation. Conclusion Vietnam was colonized by both the China and French colonies. Chinese dominated Vietnam during the period between 111BC and 938 AD. Between the year 1884 to the year 1885, France assumed total control of Vietnam. This was after the Chinese- Franco War. Many Vietnamese bitterly opposed French colonialism because of the oppression that they witnessed. They were denied access to essential amenities and services. These included education and health. In the year 1945, the nobles and communists never opposed French because of fear and also because they were enjoying some favors from the French colonial government. This included access to some jobs in the government among other. Various arguments for and against Vietnamese independence existed in the year 1945.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Black Plague Essays - Health, Medicine, Plague, Veterinary Medicine
Black Plague Essays - Health, Medicine, Plague, Veterinary Medicine Black Plague Living in Europe in the middle of the 1300s would have been heartbreaking and dreadful. Not only were the living conditions very poor but there was an unknown disease that was wiping out a large percentage of European population. One cannot imagine the fear of wondering whether you or someone you loved was going to catch this deadly disease. No explanation would make a person feel safe from catching it or dying with it. The people of Europe just lived their lives as best they could realizing that nothing they do could ever stop this. They did not have the power to stop this it was far too beyond them. This unknown disease is known as the Bubonic Plague. The plague was passed among many rodents by fleas. Most of the rodents were rats. Fleas living on the rats blood would eject the disease into the rat causing it to die quickly. When there were no rats left around, the flea would search for a new host, such as a human. When an infected flea bit the human the bacteria multiplies quickly causing death within a few Days. One a person obtains this disease they can easily spread it among other humans by bacilli coughed or sneezed in to the air or by human fleas. The plague had struck other parts of the world before it was first reported in Europe. The disease had been found in China and throughout India around 1332. Nomadic horsemen may have carried the plague westward between China and the Black Sea, where it apparently spread into Russia. Rumors had spread to Europe about the strange and terrible things happening in the East. Europeans began fearing this plague not knowing of its origin or cause. Eventually, the same unusual things started to occur in Europe and the plague was then reported to be in Europe. As the bubonic plague spread across Europe it was called many names. Italians were dying by the thousands so they called it the Great Death. The Spanish called it Moroccan Fever, while Moroccans called it Mountain Fever. Most Europeans called it the Italian Fever or Italian Pestilence. It was not until later when the plague was called the Black Death. Black in Latin means dreadful, unlucky, and gloomy. This and because of black spots on the skin of many plague victims led the people to associate the word black with the plague. There are two reasons that made Europe ripe for the spread of the plague. The negative reason was the living conditions of majority of the people. Most peasants and serfs lived in small villages of windowless thatched wooden huts. It would not be too bad if the people knew of sanitation. They dumped their wastes into rivers from which they drank. They also dumped them into nearby fields where livestock graze and livestock slept under the same roof as the people. Washing was a similar problem. People rarely washed themselves or their clothes. Fleas lice and other vermin were part of life and to be endured with. Most rats were ignored which was not good because they were major carriers of the disease. Many of the doctors of the time were amazed at the horrible disease. Physicians were stumped about cure or even remedies of this illness. The only advice they could offer is to get away from it and start off new somewhere else. Many physicians followed their own advice and deserted areas where the plague was to be found. Many doctors told patients that the disease came because of a corrupted or polluted atmosphere. There were a few attempts of doctors finding a remedy. Gui de Chauliac recommended a variety of pills, purges, and bleeding. These are all known as medieval remedies. Chauliac seemed to think on the brighter side of things. Others like Chalin de Vinario put his own opinion quite bluntly, Every pronounced case of the plague is incurable. All the doctors lacked one important connection: the spread of plague between the rats. This connection had been noticed earlier by others. An extremely high fever, chills, and ultimately delirium and death characterize the plague. The bacilli collect in the lymph nodes, mostly the ones in the
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Explore the outsider in Silas Marner Essay Example
Explore the outsider in Silas Marner Essay Example Explore the outsider in Silas Marner Essay Explore the outsider in Silas Marner Essay Essay Topic: Literature The novel Silas Marner is a story set in the nineteenth century and for this reason people act differently towards strangers, this is because communities were a lot closer than the average town or city at the present day. These reasons meant that new comers were alienated from the rest of the community. This is obviously pointed out in the first page when in the book it is said, how was a man to be explained unless you at least knew their father and mother. In my essay I will explore how Silas Marner is exposed to a community in which the worst is thought of strangers and how this leads to an unholy figure being created due to superstition. The book opens with Silas being compared to a dead man with comments made about his appearance. For example on page six Silas is described as having large brown protuberant eyes in Silass pale face. Also it is stated on page eight that the women of the town would never marry a dead man come to life and Jem Rodney says, Marners eyes were set like a dead mans. This simply shows that purely from Silas physical appearance he had already been separated from the rest of the community and it didnt help that superstition clung easily round every person or thing that was at all unwanted. The book compares Silas to a spider. This increases villagers suspicions, because spiders are creatures feared and not often seen, just like Silas. The book does this by making Silas seem as if he was hiding in Raveol. This is just like a spider hides in a house and this image is created on page fifteen it says set within sight of the widespread hillsides, than this low, wooded region, where he felt hidden from even the heavens by the screening trees. It continues to pursue the relationship between Silas Marner and a spider by saying that Silas would make children take to their legs and run in terror which is traditionally the reaction associated with spiders. However the obvious feature strengthening the bond between Silas and a spider is his weaving because of a spider and the complex web it often weaves. However the weaving meant more than just his career, the loom symbolised Silass life constantly moving but not going anywhere and on a literal level the loom was Silass way of making money. The money itself replaced contact with people however when his money is stolen Silas becomes upset, as if he had lost his friends. However when Eppie arrived she took the moneys place and Silas mistakes her golden curls for his money and consequently comes to love Eppie more than his gold. This symbolism is all based around his loom and ironically the structure of the play is based on a simple woven item. The first threads are woven loosely and as time progresses vital threads are added and the whole piece comes together. Silas was the loose threads, Eppie was the vital threads and the finished product was the reunited village. The village is a very close community, everything is discused in the local pub and everyone is so close due to them all being a purely bred part of the village. On page eight it backs this idea up and says that linen-weavers-emigrants from the town into the country werent born and bred locally. The book shows how close the people are and how they trust each other but not anyone outside of their community. They do this by wrongly accusing Silas of theft, who was outside of their community and then finding the peddler guilty, and although the peddler was actually guilty the author made it so that it was obvious that it had to be the stranger. This is displayed when a man thinks of the obvious option, the peddler. This was displayed in the book when it states a man accustomed to putting two and two together this just shows that these people live in a box, where only strangers do wrong and that they never think outside the box. Its just ironic that the clue to who committed the crime was a tinderbox. On page sixty it shows they took this as a strong lead to who committed the robbery when it is written that the inference generally accepted was, that the tinder-box found in the ditch was somehow connected with the robbery. Silas is helped more by Dolly Winthrop than anyone else. She plays a dominant role in the later stages of the book by acting like a mother to Eppie and a tutor to Silas. On page one hundred and twenty she tutors Silas by teaching him that buying clothes is expensive because they grow so fast, its ill spending the money on them baby-clothes, for the children ull grow like grass she says. However its on the same page that Dolly shows how she will help him when ever possible and to the best standard she can, meaning that she is a friend. She does this by saying Ive got the little petticoats as Aaron wore five years ago. Then she plays a mother role to Eppie and offers Silas reassurance in the upbringing of Eppie, she says youd like to see her taken care of by those who can leave her well off an make a lady of her. The village needed a stranger to show them that there was an imperfect world outside of Ravelo and things like fathers leaving their families is just one example. Silas needed the village of Ravelo to fulfil his life with the things he didnt have such as a community to befriend him.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Competitive Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Competitive Business Environment - Essay Example Developed countries realized that emerging nations such as China had completely taken over light manufacturing operation and the best course of action is to import or outsource manufacturing to economies such as China to be able to compete (CultureGrams, 2007). In the agricultural sector, new technologies such as generic engineering have changed the way farmers operate and has introduced new products such as organic products into the marketplace. The economies of developed countries have moved from a manual to a knowledge economy in which the service industry is the backbone that creates job opportunities for the citizens of such a nation. A new tendency which is affecting the way organization the business environment and the service function within firm related to customer service and vendor relationship is being handled by companies in the 21st century. This essay discusses the change that has taken place in the way services are being rendered by enterprises in today and the tenden cies that will manifest themselves in the future. Customer service is an important function that adds value to the business. Companies realize that the service a firm provides to its customers is a critical success factor that allows customer retention and provides an edge in a competitive business environment. Service is an intrinsic variable that provides added value to a product that makes the goods offered by a particular company more attractive that than similar items sold by a competitor (Hadi, 1999). For example, a customer knows that the software items offered by Microsoft Corporation include an outstanding long-term implied service in form of updates, improvements, assistance from the company to the client that purchases their product. A small software firm may not have the capability to offer a high level of service, thus they are not able to compete at the same level with firms that provide superior service value in for their products.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Good Leadership, a Prelude to Cooperate Feat Research Paper
Good Leadership, a Prelude to Cooperate Feat - Research Paper Example What many flout is that prelude to its fall; Enron had a fully-fledged, state of the art and even award-winning management team. How could such a jolly turnout to be so bad, what was being overlooked? The answer lies in its leadership and organizationââ¬â¢s culture. In this paper, a review of the management, leadership and organization culture of Enron is discussed. More specifically the leadership style of Jeffery Skilling as the CEO of this corporation will be analyzed and how his approach to leadership was principal to the eventual fall of Enron. According to Forbes magazineââ¬â¢s Amy Rees, a company cannot afford to have poor leadership if its main aim is a success both monetarily and otherwise. Whenever a company has good leadership, employee retention, morale, corporate culture, good communication, integrity, and employee satisfaction are inevitable. These factors serve to catapult a firm to even greater heights. Ross Perot one of greatest visionary of our time once said that leaders have to lead by example and inspire people, not try to manage or manipulate them, only inventory could be managed, people just have to be lead. To do an extensive SWOT analysis on the thesis statement of this paper, it is vital to detail what good leadership entails. What character traits, type, or style of leadership makes a good leader? In the 20th century most scholars believed that leaders were born, not built, you had to have inborn qualities that were vital to leadership. While to some extent these assumptions still hold, for the most part, today it is possible to become a leader through learning the ropes or by instilling character traits such as charisma, integrity, or assertiveness in oneself. In short, Leadership can be taught (Giuliani & Kurson, 2002).
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