Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marriage Traditions- Indian, Chinese Cultures Essay

Marriage Traditions- Indian, Chinese Cultures - Essay Example Stated another way, it is an eye to the culturally relativistic foundations of marriage traditions in Chinese and Indian cultures that a proper perspective of the marriage traditions in those two cultures can be properly had. It is not absolutist in that it does not try to judge the ethics and morals of the marriage traditions of the two cultures, but views them from the standards and principles within the cultures that gave rise to and which continue to promote the marriage traditions (Fluehr-Lobban, 1995; Geertz, 1984; Donnelly, 1984; Hodes, 1985; Polisi, 2003; Moschetti, 2005). In. China the major form of marriage is one where families gave away their female children for marriage to other families when the girl comes to marrying age, usually as early as at puberty, and the girl then goes on to live in the husband’s family home, to then become a part of that family. To fill that gap left by the married girl, the family then made space for when one of their sons took wives. T his is the fundamental marriage arrangement that allowed for the addition and subtraction of members of households based on time-honored traditions in Chinese culture, and certainly prior to China turning Communist, under the old dynasties. On the other hand, the literatrure also notes that some alternate forms of marriage also formed part of the marriage traditions of China, and those include marriage arrangements where a girl is given up for adoption at birth or at a very early age, to a family.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Abraham Lincoln - Symbol of the unlimited possibilities Essay Example for Free

Abraham Lincoln Symbol of the unlimited possibilities Essay There are few men whose characters are so extraordinary that they can be credited with saving a nation. The 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln was one such man. More than one hundred years after his assassination, ‘Honest Abe as he has become known, shows no signs of losing his touch. He sits enshrined in his own monument with his famous words etched in stone around him. He commands respect, honour and the everlasting thanks of the American people. More than a thousand books have been published on his life and deeds. This is the man who not only freed the slaves but who held the nation together through the terror of the Civil War. His bloody assassination has become the nightmare scenario of legend. The myths that make up the story of Abraham Lincoln have been re-told many times. At their root is the story about the boy born into the Kentucky wilderness, who had less than a year in total of formal schooling. That same boy went on to become Americas most famous President. Lincolns rise from a poor pioneer family who taught himself to become a lawyer is the story of the American dream. From state legislator to his nomination as Presidential candidate that dream is the stuff of legends. He has become a symbol of the unlimited possibilities of American life. To appreciate the bravery and the courage that Lincoln undoubtedly showed, it is not enough to say that he saved the Union. Neither is it enough to say that he braved his critics to bring in emancipation and to end the appalling slave trade. To fully understand Lincolns achievements, is to try and gain an insight into American society of that time. The republic was only a matter of a few decades old. In this melting pot of nationhood and states, political feelings ran high. Lincoln, above all, saw himself and his countrymen as inheritors of a sacred trust. He believed that democracy was entrusted into his hands and those of his countryme n. He was prepared to stand up and fight for those beliefs. The fact is as laudable as these sentiments were, there could not possibly have been a more difficult time to try and put them into practice. The issue of slavery above all others dominated the day. It would split both politics and the country as a whole. Abraham Lincoln was not in two minds about slavery. He found it abhorrent. The fact is that many states, primarily in the North, stood against slavery. Many in the South did not. They were afraid that a Republican President effectively from the North would try and abolish slavery throughout the nation. Lincoln was elected President for his first term in 1860 at the point when a huge part of the Union, threatened to break away over the issue of slavery. The situation was for Lincoln neither a reason for secession nor Civil War. In his inaugural address he spoke about the need to find a peaceful way forwards. In spite of Lincolns plea, the Confederacy broke away and on March 4 1861 and the country erupted into the Civil War he had feared above all else. That scenario was a nightmare of complications and strategies that had to be won inside a cauldron of dissent. There was no road map. There were no precedents for dealing with states that had succeeded. Lincoln was at heart and by trade, a lawyer. He was not a soldier. However he did not flinch from his duty, or from the task in front of him. Where lesser men might have lost heart, Lincoln began the long struggle towards unity and reunification. When he judged that the time was right, he announced the abolition of the slave trade, issuing the emancipation proclamation on January 1st 1863. The war took a heavy toll. Lincoln mourned the tragedy of lives lost on the battlefield. His speech after the battle of Gettysburg on November 19th 1863 is one of the most moving and famous of all elegies for fallen soldiers. In spite of high casualties and falling morale, when Atlanta finally fell to the Union, Lincoln was re-elected for a second term. Lincolns second inaugural address is according to some, one of the greatest of all his speeches. In it, he looks forwards not only to the coming end of the war but also towards the future. His plea should never be forgotten, Malice towards none: Charity towards all. Part of Abraham Lincolns legacy is the fact that he was very much a human figure. We know many details of his life including that of his courtship and quiet marriage to Mary Todd. Theirs was tender and loving relationship scarred by loss and tragedy. Of the four sons born to them, only one grew into adulthood. The quiet and loving home life the president enjoyed was in stark contrast to the violence and hatred that was tearing the nation apart. After the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomatox on April 9 1865, a weary nation waited to see what Lincolns response would be. An expectant crowd gathered outside the White House. Lincoln addressed them for the last time. In his speech he tackled the thorny issues of reuniting a country split by war. In that same speech he talked about the rights of freed slaves. He now talked openly about black suffrage. Listening in that crowd was one John Wilkes Booth, a racist and a Confederate who vowed that this would be Lincolns last speech. Indeed it was. Booth assassinated the President on April 14th 1865. Mary his wife was sitting beside her husband as they watched a play. She was holding his hand as he was shot. She never recovered fully from his death. It was a death that Lincoln himself had reportedly foreseen in a dream some three days earlier. The assassination of Lincoln stunned the nation. His body was mourned for three weeks at it was toured through the cities of the North. Public grief was immense for perhaps the most extraordinary figure in political history. Today the image of the gaunt tall and severe man is as familiar to us as our own fathers. Indeed to many, Abraham is the Father figure of America. We can only hope, like so many before us that we too can live up to the vision and the dreams that he left for us. Behind his statue lie the famous words of the Gettysburg address, in which the president extolled, That this nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the people, by the people, for the people shall never perish from the earth. They are words that are as relevant to us today as the day on which they were first spoken. How ironic then that in the same speech the President said that the words spoken there would not long be remembered. Fortunately, for every US citizen, he was wrong! His words, his deeds and his hopes, like those of any father, are his legacy to all his children. Sources used in this speech and related information Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Abraham Lincoln On-line CV for Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Atom And Qi :: essays research papers

Atom & Qi The atom is the smallest portion of a substance that is not perceivable by human senses. The notion of atoms was conceived by ancient Greeks and was developed over thousands of years of scientific inquiry. The concept of qi as the most basic substance of which the world (everything) is comprised, was understood by the ancient Chinese. Both  ¡Ã‚ ¥atom ¡Ã‚ ¦ and  ¡Ã‚ ¥qi ¡Ã‚ ¦ are believed to exist by human beings and both are considered to be unseen objects (until we could see atoms recently). However, they lead to different interpretations of natural phenomena: the concept of the atom was developed in relation to  ¡Ã‚ ¥materiality ¡Ã‚ ¦, whereas qi is relavant to  ¡Ã‚ ¥spirituality ¡Ã‚ ¦. The historical progression towards a belief in atoms promoted the deduction of atoms throughout centuries. Nowadays, the atom is universally believed by people to exist as the result of scientific evidence. In contrast,  ¡Ã‚ ¥qi ¡Ã‚ ¦ is not believed to be a scientific phenomena and is considered a religious or superstitious belief. As a result, in order to demonstrate the existence of  ¡Ã‚ ¥qi ¡Ã‚ ¦ and make it conceivable by modern physicists, the use of the scientific method becomes the qi researchers ¡Ã‚ ¦ best tool. In addition, while qi and the atom were both conceived by ancient philosophers, the notion of the atom was better developed by scientists than the idea of qi. Therefore, by looking back at the historical progression towards a belief in atoms and the deduction of their structure, we know how scientists built up the atomic theory. Consequently, the concept of historical progression will help us understand why the notion of qi is hard to define by physicists, and how it could be developed into a scientific theory. HISTORICAL PROGRESSION TOWARDS A BELIEF IN ATOMS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The concept of the atom originated in Greek philosophy around six hundred B.C. with the question:  ¡Ã‚ §What is the world made of ? ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Sachs, 9). Thales first suggested that  ¡Ã‚ §water [is] the basic building block of the world ¡Ã‚ ¨, and air, sand, and stone could be different forms of one fundamental substance (web page). Yet, Anoimenes believed  ¡Ã‚ §mist or air was the cornerstone of matter ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Clagett, 49). These ancient thinkers made simple and direct assertions about matter. Later, the idea of the atom was conceived and developed by Leucippus and Democritus in the fifth century B.C. and concluded that there must be  ¡Ã‚ §parts which are partless ¡Ã‚ ¨ such as sand, stone, water, or even a  ¡Ã‚ ¥void ¡Ã‚ ¦ which have the continuous and coherent appearance of a pure object though are not  ¡Ã‚ ¥true ¡Ã‚ ¦ structures (Young, 18).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and Eveline by James Joyce Essay

The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and Eveline by James Joyce 'The Tell Tale Heart' and 'Eveline' are stories based around the circumstances, which surround a central character. Both protagonists are portrayed in totally different ways. The characters in both stories are quite different. Eveline is the image of a girl's failure to become a woman. She tells herself that "she would not be treated as her mother had been," but she isn't aware that "such treatment offers her the only kind of security she knows". She has had to endure violence at the hand of her father, and she has let herself believe that she is in love with Frank when she isn't really. In 'The Tell Tale Heart', the story contains a nameless narrator who is the central character of the story. The narrator may be male or female because Poe uses only "I" and "Me" in reference to this character. Most readers may assume that the narrator is male because it is written in first person by a male author but the story can also be plausible if the narrator was a woman. In the times Poe was writing, he would be creating a story whose impact would be changed simply by imagining this horrendous deed being committed by a woman. In 'The Tell Tale Heart', the story covers a period of eight days where any important action usually occurs around midnight. This period of time is relevant to the story as it makes the reader more curious about the narrator's ordeal. The readers are deliberately not informed about the illness that the narrator had, and they are left to wonder whether the 'evil eye' is truly evil. The eight day period limits what the reader knows because they don't know what happened before. The narrator may have an extremely genuine reason... people of the early 1900's. 'Eveline' was also written in the early 1900's and in that time it would have been Eveline's duty to look after her father rather than be in love. So the time in which the story was written would have really affected the way in which the story was perceived, as people in the early 1900's were less tolerant of behaviour written in the stories. James Joyce's portrayal of Eveline is very believable because many of the readers may be able to relate to the character as she lives an ordinary life. The narrator in "The Tell Tale Heart", is not very believable because it is not often that readers hear about someone killing a person because they have a "vulture eye", it's just unrealistic, but the story has a pull to it that makes readers want to read it because it is exciting and there is suspense, something which "Eveline" lacks.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Concept of Love Essay

Love is a complex emotion of attachment and sometimes obsession. It cannot be classified so easily, though; it cannot be stuffed into a social concept and left there. Some people search for what seems their whole lifetime for love, whereas others may seem to fall in and out of love on a regular basis. Of course, people can love many things, but the love between two people is unique and special. It is a feeling of trust and wholeness. Love is rarely defined because everyone experiences it differently. What one person thinks is love, another may think is craze or vice versa. How does one know he or she is in love? How is it possible to distinguish between the love of romance and the love shared between friends? In order to understand love, people need to first understand the two major types of love which can be described as romantic love and friendship love. People often define romantic love based on its difference from friendship love. Would you kiss your best friend? Perhaps, but it is not necessarily the things you do with your romantic partner that makes your love spark. Romantic lovers are usually on each other’s minds all the time. Couples make large life decisions based on their romantic partners because they cannot imagine life without those people. Romantic love guides a person’s mind and can sometimes cloud it as to what the right decisions might be. After all, romantic love can be extremely selfless. Friendship love can often turn into romantic love, as it has many times throughout history, but the birth of romantic love between friends will often kill the love of friendship. In other words, friends who become romantic lovers rarely can go back to being â€Å"just friends. Why is it that romantic love is so overpowering? The love of friendship can be very strong, but it is the emotional intensity of romantic love that forever changes the simplicity of the love between friends. Friendship love does not have all the same guidelines that romantic love seems to have. Each friend couple may have a unique kind of love between each other. Friendship love is best described as a warm feeling between people. Girlfriends may have different friendship love for each other than a male and female friend pair may have; the same for male friends. Male and Female friends may sometimes undergo a lot of pressure from other friends and family to turn their friendship love into romantic love, which doesn’t always work. There is a line that friends may cross over, and to know that line is to know the difference between romantic and friendship love. Friends have complete trust for someone and naturally want to be around him/her. People who love each other want to make each other happy; they want to be there as confidants, helpers, and company. Friendship love is often compared to the love between siblings as well. In many cases, a sibling is just as good a friend as any. Society will not accept romantic love between relatives, but friendship love is encouraged and an amazing aspect to have. Everybody experiences love in a different way and may not agree with the concepts that it is dealt with. In the end, it does not matter whether or not the kind of love someone feels fits into any category. Love is personal, and the important thing is, is that it makes people happy and feels cared for. Whether people have romantic or friendship love, love is meant to mean that it is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment, and a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Issues of Women Characters in Miriam Tlalis.

The Issues of Women Characters in Miriam Tlalis. The Issues of Women Characters in Miriam Tlali'sMuriel at MetropolitanA South Africa writer, Pamala Ryan, provides an interesting analysis of Miriam Tlali's Muriel at Metropolitan by arguing that: "[...] black women do not have time to dream" (95). The lives of black women are besieged with restraints and conflicts. Black women in South Africa do not have the "complete peace inside" (Ryan 95); they strive against racial discrimination and injustice to claim their freedom. The struggle gives black women the consciousness of self and the consciousness of a black society. Tlali's novel Muriel at Metropolitan is about the relationship between struggle and change, and the pain of black women's lives. In the novel, the struggles that the main character, Muriel, undertakes are against racism and social classes; her fight to claim her freedom of voice leads to Muriel's self-growth.The main element that Muriel fights against is racism.Muriel Barbery"Racism is the only evil that affects black women" (Christian, Concept 80). Clearly, racial discrimination is in the system of societal and psychological restrictions that have critically affected the lives of South African women. A scholar, Barbara Christian, argues that because of racism and social restrictions, black women lost their womanly nature.Because black women were, by nature of their race, conceived of as lower class, they could hardly approximate the norm of womanhood. They had to work; most could not be ornamental or withdrawn from the world; and, according to the aesthetics of [South Africa], they were not beautiful. [...] Any aggressiveness or intelligence on their part, qualities necessary for participation in the work world, were construed as unwomanly and tasteless. On one hand, they could not achieve the standard of womanhood; on the other hand, they were biologically females, with all the societal restrictions associated with...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Altruism and Kin Selection Essays

Altruism and Kin Selection Essays Altruism and Kin Selection Essay Altruism and Kin Selection Essay Within nature Darwin has proposed the notion of natural selection as the driving force of evolution. Individuals acquiring traits solely designed for their survival and reproductive fitness. Accordingly, animals act selfishly to survive and pass along their genes to future generations. Since then, controversy has circled around the idea of organisms acting out in a selfless manor decreasing their fitness for the success of another member’s fitness. Its puzzling to assume individuals will sacrifice themselves for the benefit of another member when Darwin’s assumptions were predominately associated with the survival of the fittest. Explanations to this issue have been observed amongst kin where family members will help the survival of its relatives in order to increase the success of the group; this is otherwise known as kin selection and is one explanation of altruism. Similarly, cooperation in nature has been viewed as a form of altruism where collaborative efforts will benefit the survival of the species versus selfish actions. A study done by Mr. Allee found planarian worms likely to survive 1. 5 times longer if they grouped together under intense conditions versus groups who exhibited no grouping. Favoring kin selection and cooperation altruism enhances survival of the group level in turn leaving better fitness rates rather than individualistic behavior. But does each theory demonstrate true altruism in nature? In this paper I will present two opposing theories on true altruistic behavior in nature, one based upon alternative explanations for altruistic actions, while the other emphasizes selfish behavior induced for survival and proves altruism to be based on selfish implications too. What is altruism? Altruism is defined as a social behavior that decreases the fitness of the actor in turn increasing the fitness of the recipient. (West). While Darwin believed in natural selection he was also aware of many functional help services amongst animals. Therefore, Darwin presumed natural selection to favor socially interactive animals by enabling advantageous traits that indirectly benefit the species at the group level. According to Mr. Domondon’s review, Darwin presented a theoretical species where some monkeys will inherit a gene that permits alarm singling when predators are spotted, while others will not. Essentially the species that contain monkeys with this trait will sacrifice themselves, or engage in costly behavior causing a greater amount of its group members to survive and pass down the alarm-signaling gene. If such genes are generating a higher reproductive success then groups who do not possess the gene, then this altruistic trait will become inherited; fundamentally causing more altruistically modified individuals. Hamilton presented kin selection as an alternative solution to altruism. Behaviors operating between close relatives where an individual will act in a manor costly to oneself in order to help its kin. This is otherwise known as inclusive fitness, consists of both the actors fitness in addition to the fitness of each group member. (West). Inclusive fitness will be highest amongst closer related members in turn creating stronger kin selection. Such instances can be observed where sibling allomothers sacrifice time and effort to care for the offspring of a mother, greatly increasing the survival of the infant; given that the offspring shares a third of the genes of the sibling allomothers, this will increase their inclusive fitness. Simply put, kin selection will succeed if the indirect benefits outweigh the direct cost inflicted upon the actor. So, species displaying altruistic behavior to help their relatives will increase the survival of the community. Furthermore, reciprocal altruism additionally gives resolution to the issue of altruism. It is associated with individuals beneficially providing services toward members while accepting costs and expecting this treatment in return later. This can develop into long lasting relationships between individuals where benefits will be higher than temporary costs as the behavior is returned in a tit for tat sense (Silk 2007). Also, game theories provide insight into this behavior; for example, the Prisoner dilemma involves two unrelated individuals in a situation given the opportunity to cooperate with one another to gain a beneficial outcome. On the other hand one may act selfishly to gain individual benefits and the other will acquire the costs entirety. The idea is to achieve equal cooperation and to obtain maximum fitness benefits to each participator. For example, if two monkeys come across a predator they are given two opportunities, flee and leave the other monkey as prey, or jump the leopard in an attempt to overpower the leopard and equally flee. At this point the monkeys will have to decide the best method that will likely be at the individuals best interest. However if both monkeys jump the leopard and survive, it is likely that this trait will be passed down. Hence, cooperation and reciprocal altruism may deem some costs but again benefits outweigh the costs and greatly provide better fitness. Does true altruism exist in nature? Altruism fundamentally presumes an individual to be sacrificing its own time and resources to benefit another member’s success, posing a huge problem in evolution. Individuals gain beneficial traits by natural selection for the selfish purpose of enhancing their own survival rate. Also, evolution acting at the individual level allows genetic traits unfit for survival to die out. If deleterious genes cause a mutation within a species, perhaps a discoloration unpleasing to the opposite sex, this individual is likely to have a lower fitness, and natural selection will weed this trait out. Thus, animals with successful traits that increase reproductive fitness and survival will continue passing down so that they will surpass proximate competitive species or conditions benefiting the survival of its kind. Mr. Allee has suggested altruistic genes to act selfishly throughout a community, in this case the species should be equally cooperating and engaging in selfless behavior benefiting the species as a whole. However, scientists have brought forth notions of potential cheaters, individuals who will receive benefits from actors and will not return the benefits and or will not display a case of altruism toward individuals. In this case selfish genes will return to the population weeding out altruistic genes. Above all, individuals acting selfishly will gain higher benefits toward their own survival without adhering to any costs. Moreover, while many examples provide solutions to the issues pertaining to altruism it can be argued altruism simply acts in the interest of the actor not solely the recipient. In kin selection the actor is behaving to increase the fitness of its kin by decreasing its own fitness, however it can be argued that the actor is acting selfishly to increase his own genetic heritability. It would be smart to sacrifice myself to save 4 brothers and sisters or ten cousins, thereby increasing a greater amount of genetic fitness embedded in our relatives. Moreover, the acts of altruism are associated only within kin selective communities fundamentally assuming every costly action benefiting a group member will in fact still benefit the actor’s genotypic construction and ultimately fitness. Although kin selection poses a relationship where the actor engaging to benefit another while accepting costly sacrifices, the actor also maintains motives to increase his own genetic survival. In spite of this, kin selection is not a supporter of true altruism. Ordinarily if true altruism were to exist in nature this would profoundly require only the interests of the recipient, rather than an individuals own. However, kin selection theory explains altruistic behavior as a strategy devised by selfish genes, increasing the reproductive success of the recipient. Yet, the genes of the benefiting member from the act of altruism are indirectly benefiting the genetic survival of the actor. Reciprocal altruism theory also seems to contradict the idea of behaving selfless, when the actor is expecting the behavior in return; this is merely delayed selfishness. Although, interestingly enough altruistic traits may attribute at a group level, however this will still drive individual selfishness; an individual acting selfishly will still benefit at a higher level than those altruistically taking costs, and in turn will reintroduce the selfish behavior back into the population. So does altruism exist in nature? Yes there are forms of altruistic behavior were individuals will help others improve their fitness will succumbing to costs of their own, however these acts are not done selflessly. Therefore, true altruism does not exist in nature. True altruism are acts that do not require benefits back toward the actor, instead only choose to behave supportively with no gains, and this does not exist in nature.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk

How to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk How to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk How to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk By Ali Hale I work in technical support, which has given me many opportunities to develop the skill of phrasing things carefully. If you’re in an IT department or technology company, you doubtlessly have to deal with emails from irate people who’ve just spent hours struggling with a piece of unhelpful software. These users often have a preconception of technical support as being â€Å"unhelpful†, â€Å"slow† or â€Å"rude† and so it really helps to have some tactful phrases in your writing toolkit. When it’s a case of â€Å"user error† Don’t say â€Å"It’s your fault† or â€Å"You’ve done it wrong.† This is likely to annoy or upset the user, and escalate a potentially tricky situation. Instead, try opening your email with something that doesn’t sound like you’re blaming them: â€Å"Perhaps that section of the manual wasn’t very clear.† â€Å"I’m sorry you’re having problems with that.† Then use the main body of your email to give clear and concise help. It may be tempting to dash off as quick a message as possible, but you won’t save any time if the user then emails back because they’re still stuck. â€Å"Lots of people struggle with this, so let me take you through it step-by-step†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"This is how it’s supposed to work† Close your email by inviting them to let you know if they’re still having trouble at all: â€Å"Just let me know if you’ve got any more questions.† â€Å"Email us if you’re still having problems once you’ve tried the above.† Putting it all together, here’s an example of how not to do it: â€Å"There’s an ‘I forgot my password’ button for a REASON, idiot.† And here’s how to make someone’s day a little brighter: â€Å"Sorry to hear you’re having trouble logging in. I’ve checked on our end, and we’re not experiencing any system downtime. Just click on the ‘I forgot my password’ button and it’ll send your account details straight to your inbox. Let me know if you don’t receive that email, or if you have any more problems at all, and I’ll be glad to help.† When the bug or problem is yours If there’s a problem on your end, it’s a good idea to apologise. Don’t go over the top in prostrating yourself for every tiny thing, but do make it clear that you’ve acknowledged that there’s something wrong. Using phrases like â€Å"slight bug†, â€Å"temporary problem†, â€Å"minor issue† are much more likely to calm worries than â€Å"catastrophical error† or â€Å"huge mistake† (even if the latter are more accurate†¦) Starting your email with a brief â€Å"Sorry† or an acknowledgement that there is something wrong, will help calm down the user instantly: â€Å"Sorry about that.† â€Å"Yes, I’ve managed to repeat the problem you reported.† Let them know what’s being done to fix the situation (unless you can fix it on the spot before emailing them back). Don’t make any promises you can’t keep, but do give some idea of likely timeframes for a solution: â€Å"Our programmers are looking into it at the moment.† â€Å"We’re hoping to have it back up and running by the end of the day.† Close your email by apologising for the inconvenience to them, especially if there’s going to be a long delay in getting the problem fixed. And reassure them that they’ll be informed as soon as it is sorted out – otherwise you’ll risk them sending hourly emails demanding to know if there’s any progress. â€Å"My apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.† â€Å"Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.† â€Å"We’ll email again as soon as it’s working.† This sort of email is not likely to meet with a good response (especially if your boss sees it): â€Å"Yeah, that’s our fault, huge screw-up. We’ll get it fixed soonish.† This is much more likely to lead to a happy user who is confident that you’ve got the situation under control. â€Å"Sorry about that. I can see there is a slight problem, and we’re investigating exactly what the issue is. We’ll get back to you as soon as it’s working again – it should be sorted out within a couple of days.† Keep a list of the above phrases on hand for those moments when you need to tactfully unruffle feathers and unfray nerves: it’ll make your job a lot easier! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T"7 Patterns of Sentence Structure48 Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Comparing Two Primary Source Articles Essay

Female Genital Mutilation Comparing Two Primary Source Articles - Essay Example The two articles; "Wanjiku: Life of A Traditional Woman" by Jean Davison and "National Bodies, Unspeakable Acts: The Sexual Politics of Colonial Policy Making" by Susan Pedersen have given great insight into the myriad aspects of the custom and the controversy surrounding it. Indeed, both the articles have made it clear that female circumcision had not only cultural significance but the political connotations of the issue had superseded its relevance or non relevance in Kenya, especially in the early and mid twentieth century. It was the time when female circumcision was an intrinsic part of socio-cultural dynamics of Kenya which had become synonymous with the identity of Kikuyu. As can be adjudged by Wanjiku's narration, the inhabitants were deeply rooted in the way of life the "Gikuyu" (i.e the cultural community) proposed. A very strong joint family structure was prevalent and their entire life was concentrated within their circles. Having said so, the custom of Irua which could be a barbaric vestige to our perception was as natural for them as a harvesting season festival or a wedding. The Irua was a custom of central significance to the Kikuyu life. The public ceremony marked a new phase in the life of women, it bonded those who were "initiated" very strongy and established a hierarchical structure in the community. Sir Grigg observed in one his letters to Sidney Webb at the Colonial Office," This faction, through its ill-advised attitude, done more than anything else to delay the emancipation of Kikuyu womanhood".1 Though there was some element of truth to this statement, I believe it is important to target the heart of the matter itself. What led to Irua or Clitoridectomy to occupy such an important position in the life of Kikuyu members in the first place What is the heart of the matter The real trigger As described in Pedersen's text, Historians have sidelined in detail how the estrangement and settlement of white population pockets," the establishment of adjoining "native reserves," the construction of a system of "tribal" authority often at odds with earlier political structures, and the deliberate use of taxation and legislation to restrict Africans' freedom to grow cash crops and to coerce them into wage labor left many Kikuyu with little of their "traditional" life, except perhaps the still-powerful rituals of clitoridectomy and male circumcision." 2 Not surprisingly, Irua became synonymous with Kikuyu pride and thus gained momentum as a tradition that signified national pride. The many sides of the coin The nationalist sentiments on the basis of this custom were fanned as the custom was not allowed to remain confined to the community. It soon catapulted into the pivot around which colonial and nationalist arguments and revolutions were based. While on one

Friday, October 18, 2019

Researching politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Researching politics - Essay Example At the same time there lies one problem with this definition of informal sense because all decisions made are deliberative and consistent in nature and therefore it becomes difficult to distinguish between the rational and the irrational. Taking cue from this we can say that everything comes under the definition of informal choice. (Grundmann et al, 2001, p. 106) The second sense in which the professions use the rational choice theory is more formal in nature. This definition of the rational choice theory says that consumers have transitive choices and they try to maximize their utility from the set of preferences they have. The consumers in fact try to maximize their benefits from the choices in spite of the various constraints which they face while making their choices. Some of the economists find the formal sense of the theory so very obvious that they believe that it can have no limitation.   The critics of the formal definition of the theory on the other hand say that even the formal one is tautological in nature like the informal definition. They have tried to say that there is almost no behavior that does not seek to maximize the utility through their choices. The second criticism about the informal sense says that one can show some inconsistencies or puzzles in the notion of transitive preferences. (Grundmann et al, 2001, p. 106-10 7) Researchers have said that the rational choice theory is very helpful in formulating hypothesis regarding market behavior. They have given five reasons as to why the rational choice theory is of much use. First of all it is seen that the theory allows the economists to make predictions about economic behavior and those predictions are mostly based on the empirical evidence. For instance the rational scenario predicts that the when the wage rate increases all the other factors remaining constant the supply of labor increases. (Grundmann et al, 2001, p. 107) Secondly the

Family Social Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Family Social Science - Essay Example , vividly suggests that while capital and infrastructural destructions are the most obvious costs of conflicts whether internal or external, the long-term development potential of the country’s economy is more severely damaged by increase in fiscal deficit, uncertainty and transactions inefficiency (Carlisle 2010). From this research, it is noticed that different returns to war are experienced in several parts of the country. The regions that were greatly involved in the conflicts are generally lagging behind in terms of development and consumption capabilities (Carlisle 2010). In order to clearly understand the economic, development and social impacts of war in Afghanistan has been in war constantly for a very long time, normally approximated to be over a decade dating back to 1978 when it involved in a great combat with the United States of America. This caused effects on their economy and it is very vital to understand the origin of the wars between the periods of 1978-1992. These wars greatly impacted negatively on their products and produce both in the local and international markets. Like any other war in any part of the world, the social lives of the people were also affected to a large extent it is believed to have commenced after the resignation of the communist president Mohamed Najibullah (Carlisle 2010). From the onset of this war and conflicts, one factor that tends to be very much evident is the negative association between conflict and economic development of the whole country. However, while conflict may lead to poor economic performance, the reverse relationship seems equally credible, and this mostly complicates the analysis of the consequences of war on a country’s development strategies and goals. An economic analysis of the effects of conflicts is discussed below to determine its effects on the economic performance of a country at the micro level years after the war has ceased. The research paper clearly tries to illustrate the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A critical analysis of a patient's journey through Paediatric Essay

A critical analysis of a patient's journey through Paediatric Intensive Care Unit from a nursing perspective - Essay Example Even with the children who suffer the extreme form of this heart defect. The success rate has been very encouraging. The said infant suffered from Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) which is an extension of congenital heart disease. It is the fourth most common type of congenital cardiac defect. It basically is a functional signal ventricle due to the congenital heart. HLHS is characterized by a multiple abnormalities related to heart including steosis or atresia of ventricular  inflow and outflow tracts of both the left side (Report of the New England Regional Infant Cardiac Program, 1980). In the 1980’s most of the infants died within the first month of their birth but since then due to various medical advancements and the advent of Norwood procedure, the survival rate has risen a great deal (Kirklin et al. 1980). The two treatments of the congenital heart being currently offered are either multi stages surgical palliation or the orthotopic cardiac transplantation. The mortality rate of the HLHS is considerably higher than other defects occurring due to the congenital heart disease. Additionally there is not much knowledge and information about the long-term follow-up related to the HLHS survivors (Caplan et al. 1996). The infants who are born with this disease are usually born on time and have relatively normal birth weight. It has also been researched that extra cardiac and malformationsare is present in about 2.3% of them (Report of the New England Regional Infant Cardiac Program). It has also been noticed that its occurrence is more in boys than in girls. Fortunately the chances of this disease being present in the siblings are only 0.5% of the times and only 2.2% for other extension of congenital heart disease (Wernovsky, Bove, 1998). The chances of survival post the cardinal surgery has been increased to 95% now. Unfortunately the exact cause of the HLHS has yet

Entrepreneurship and UK's Economic Recovery and Growth Essay

Entrepreneurship and UK's Economic Recovery and Growth - Essay Example The private sector has been turned with the express aim of replacing the employment opportunities that have been surrendered in the public service due to job cuts and for the emphasis on starting up of businesses in order to create jobs rather than lose them. Entrepreneurship is indeed the answer to the United Kingdom’s economic recovery and growth. For many a decade, British sociologists have been puzzled by entrepreneurship values atavistic persistence and about the aspirations of the labour force. This is despite the decrease in return on investment of entrepreneurial role and the dwindling numbers of new entrepreneurs in the UK. Given the laissez-faire traditions of the United Kingdom as far as business is concerned, entrepreneurial ambition is easier to understand as residual of the culture of the by-gone economic era. Max Webber, who founded the entrepreneurship research, has laid claim to the fact that Puritan theology once encouraged all its believers to adopt the role of the entrepreneur and define anew the content of the role. As a result, European form of capitalism, including the United Kingdom’s, was given a stimulus which gave it the chance to move its focus the restraints of guild traditionalism, which had earlier frustrated the development of capitalism in other regions of the world. Webber was able to identify a significantly causal form of entrepreneurship since he linked a determinant that was not economic, theology, to entrepreneurial supply. Webber was also of the belief that huge bureaucratic organizations were the future model of business (Soe, 2009 p88). This particular view can be construed as anti-entrepreneurial since most of these mammoth organizations are not in need of many entrepreneurs. His supposition that the twentieth century’s victorious capitalism did not need the support of any kind of religious asceticism was also significant at the time. His work tried to imply that capitalism, which could be consider ed mature, was reliant, upon, signals from the market that could be relied upon to provide entrepreneurs needed from a materialistic idealized population. This would result in the provision of entrepreneurs by the market, which was in place to replace the role of the wider society in providing these entrepreneurs. Webber’s vision took the presumption that capitalism had matured enough and had moulded a crucial labour force where there was cultural enshrinement and legitimization of entrepreneurship (Soe, 2009 p65). In the wake of this shift in culture in the United Kingdom, entrepreneurship has become an elastic, fungible, and inexhaustible commodity of labour. He concluded that entrepreneurship had lost the connection it historically had to supply sources that were of a non-economic nature, and, therefore, had lost its significance causally. Schumpeter expressed the theory that entrepreneurship can be distinguished from economic innovation by treating entrepreneurship as one of the ways via which economic innovation can occur (Soe, 2009 p89). He supposed that professionally managed, large, and corporately organized firms had the impetus to replace owner-operated small firms as the industrial combination that was dominant in societies with advanced markets. However, management of giant corporations would take the duties of entrepreneurship. Professional managers thus would take over the tasks of entrepreneurs in plan execution, risk evaluation, and innovation planning. Karl Marx who was uninterested in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A critical analysis of a patient's journey through Paediatric Essay

A critical analysis of a patient's journey through Paediatric Intensive Care Unit from a nursing perspective - Essay Example Even with the children who suffer the extreme form of this heart defect. The success rate has been very encouraging. The said infant suffered from Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) which is an extension of congenital heart disease. It is the fourth most common type of congenital cardiac defect. It basically is a functional signal ventricle due to the congenital heart. HLHS is characterized by a multiple abnormalities related to heart including steosis or atresia of ventricular  inflow and outflow tracts of both the left side (Report of the New England Regional Infant Cardiac Program, 1980). In the 1980’s most of the infants died within the first month of their birth but since then due to various medical advancements and the advent of Norwood procedure, the survival rate has risen a great deal (Kirklin et al. 1980). The two treatments of the congenital heart being currently offered are either multi stages surgical palliation or the orthotopic cardiac transplantation. The mortality rate of the HLHS is considerably higher than other defects occurring due to the congenital heart disease. Additionally there is not much knowledge and information about the long-term follow-up related to the HLHS survivors (Caplan et al. 1996). The infants who are born with this disease are usually born on time and have relatively normal birth weight. It has also been researched that extra cardiac and malformationsare is present in about 2.3% of them (Report of the New England Regional Infant Cardiac Program). It has also been noticed that its occurrence is more in boys than in girls. Fortunately the chances of this disease being present in the siblings are only 0.5% of the times and only 2.2% for other extension of congenital heart disease (Wernovsky, Bove, 1998). The chances of survival post the cardinal surgery has been increased to 95% now. Unfortunately the exact cause of the HLHS has yet

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Merger,Acquisition,and International Strageties Assignment

Merger,Acquisition,and International Strageties - Assignment Example It has been clarified that the merger of the two companies was enhanced by the fact that AMR corporation had previously encountered numerous loses. Therefore, it was within the best interest to file a case to declare the status of bankruptcy. Therefore, the engagement into a merger concept was seen as one of the best ways that would restore the organizational, financial status back to normalcy. Initially, American airways were recognized as one of the lucrative companies in the airline industry with up to 3100 flights departing from the United States and other different parts of the world on a daily basis. An airline company with integrated customer’s carriers employed over 32,000 aviation personnel. Having played an active role in human rights network, the organization was rewarded 100 percent by the human right corporation because of the quality index and campaign for the transgender employees. By the beginning of 2012, the airline corporation started feeling the effect of financial turbulence. As such, it was declared bankrupt by the united stain the department of justice to forge ahead for the merger by the United States airways and form American Airline Inc (Bryer & Simensky, 2002). It was considered a vital step towards reviving the organizational level of competitiveness. Therefore, AMR Corporation applied to Dallas/Fort worth court and requested for bankrupt cy approval permitting merger to a United States airways group. At first the application was not very successful, but after court judge Sean Lane intervened the procedure was allowed to continue. Although the two American airline companies were given go ahead to form a merger, coming up with a single certificate took some time while the newly formed organization had already started enjoying numerous benefits. For instance, the merger was perceived to as a wise decision because it has created an open way

Contrast of Carrefour and Wal-Mart Essay Example for Free

Contrast of Carrefour and Wal-Mart Essay Since the American entrepreneur, Clarence Saunders, opens his first Piggly Wiggly store in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1916, the concept of self-service store has swept the globe. With the largest population in the world, China is expected to be the world’s biggest retail market which is now already the world’s fastest-growing market. ( Anon, 2011:1) As the world’s first and second largest retail groups, Carrefour and Wal-Mart are one their way piling in. However, with 5000 years of traditional history and 30 years of planned economy, china has already formed its own market tradition. Though, the two giants both need to face the special Chinese market, in some aspects, they use different strategies and have different market feedback. This essay will illustrate the similar strategies the two retail groups have been using and also analyze the ways they use to adapt to the Chinese market differently. To begin with, for opening the Chinese market, Carrefour and Wal-Mart both choose to cooperate with the local commercial. $1 billion was given to Wal-Mart’s 100 hypermarkets’ supply chain, ranging from food to electronics (Shu-Ching, 2010, P. 1). Similarly, Carrefour also tried to adapt to local conditions, i. . cooperate with Lianhua Supermarket Company in Shanghai. The reasons why they cooperate with local partners is not just because of the legal considerations, but also to have a deep understanding of the difficult and complex Chinese market (Peter, 2006, P. 6). Nevertheless, they use different strategies according to different company development plan. Wal-Mart focuses more on the long term partnership nationally or even internationally. Considering the different regional culture and local policy, Carrefour changes partnerships by local markets (Peter, 2006, P. ). Furthermore, Carrefour adopts different strategy throughout all its global market, focusing on locally sourced products, as well as its local management teams, which are almost comprised of domestic employees to be more familiar with the local tastes. Also, on purchasing larger market shares, expansion strategy is common used by the two retail market giants. Since Carrefour opened its first store in china in 1995, it has already operated 73 hypermarkets in 29 cities which makes about $2 billion profit (Peter, 2006, P. ). Likely, 338 shops in 124 cities makes Wal-Mart $7 billion annually which is just a little bit lower than whole Carrefour shops’ profit (Anon, 2011, P. 2). Moreover, they both regard second- and third-tier cities as a good growth opportunity, and have already built shops in western cities which are not so developed. Even though, they perform different strategies in expanding their market. Firstly, Wal-Mart aims at making central distribution center, while local distributors are more considered by Carrefour. Secondly, hypermarkets often constitute larger shopping and entertainment complexes, therefore, a large amount of Carrefour stores are built at the city center for customers to go by foot or by bike. Comparing to this, edge-of-town is where Wal-Mart outlets often located, where customers can have large parking facilities or even shuttle bus provided (Moreau, 2008, P. 1). Last but not the least, Carrefour builds its stores based on the organic expansion primarily. By contrast, Wal-Mart combines organic growth with large-scale acquisitions, which leads to its Chinese revenues doubled. Lastly, to perform well in Chinese tradition market, Carrefour and Wal-Mart both have their changes in shops and marketing. On the one hand, for saving a million yuan in electricity and water costs, two retail chains’ common aim is to achieving â€Å"zero-carbon† stores by next year, which forces them to open a range of new energy saving stores in China, such as using waste gas to heat water and fluorescent lights, making use of natural lighting and integrating energy-saving technologies (Anon, 2009). On the other hand, to discover new growth areas in retail profit, selling medicine has been put on the agenda. The two giants have already been in close contract with the Ministry of Commerce on the medicine retail business and affirming that world’s largest retailer’s distribution network will be covered by medicine sales (Anon, 2005). Although there are a lot of similar strategies in market development, the two retail groups also have their different development focus. In the first place, Wal-Mart awards its employees based on profit-sharing stock, which will improve employees’ skills, trust and constant work, while Carrefour focus more on salaries. In addition, Carrefour adopted a multi-format strategy, i. e. open smaller outlets in the discount format to create another profit growth, while Wal-Mart develops its presence in the hypermarkets format exclusively (Moreau, 2008, P. 3). In details, proved to be a dynamic format competing against hypermarkets operators, department stores get a CAGR increase of 9%, 2002-2007. Therefore, department stores sales continue to be boosted by the expansion period decided by Carrefour (Moreau, 2008, P. 2).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Economic, Environmental And Social Impacts Of Tourism

Economic, Environmental And Social Impacts Of Tourism Tourism is one of the largest and most dynamic international sectors. Its rapid growth, evolving infrastructure, foreign currency flows, and the introduction of advanced management techniques have influenced numerous sectors positively by contributing to social and economic development. Negative impacts Positive impacts Social Foreign influence may cause society to lose values and traditions. Locals may have their privacy invaded. Creates new job opportunities Helps implement modern ideologies. Travel helps society on a psychological level as it gives people a degree of freedom of movement. Bringing foreign expertise to the destination through conferences, therefore strengthening ties. Developing intercultural understanding Developing friendships Environmental Tourism transportation harms the environment of the destinations of origin and arrival, and pollutes during transit. Harms the destinations appeal to foreigners. Tourism may give national authorities the incentive to safeguard the environment. Economic Pollution causes strain on the national health care system, which may increase government deficit and long term debt. Local economy may suffer because of competition from other emerging destinations. Allocation of funds may be directed towards pleasing tourists rather than pleasing long-term residents. Creates employment which adds to government taxation revenue. Financial gain by stakeholders. Tourisms actual and potential impact is astounding; however such impact is not purely positive. For almost every positive impact, there happens to be a negative one. These may be subdivided into economic, environmental and social impacts, as tabulated below: Society Social contact between tourists and locals may make way for cultural appreciation through understanding, tolerance and awareness. As tourism contributes to beneficial developments in sectors such as education, why not embrace it and ensure that people continue to visit? The human aspect is crucial for the success of any tourism product. Tourists enjoy speaking to locals, and locals should be open to discourse with tourists to add value to their experience. If local culture is the base for attracting tourists to the area, it gives added incentive to preserve the local traditions and crafts which are typical to that area. In certain localities of the Maltese islands, tourists contribute significantly to the preservation of local crafts such as glass blowing and lace, as well as the maintenance of important historical monuments and structures. Although it is fortunate that tourism drives national organisations to preserve historical artifacts and monuments, it is unfortunate to know that little would be done if it were not for tourism. To maximise the positive social impacts, foreigners and locals alike must be educated. Locals must be made aware that they must care for their belongings and surroundings, and respect other cultures to make their destination more attractive on a physical and social level. On the other hand, foreigners must also be educated to ensure that they respect the traditions, cultures and surroundings of host communities. As a result of the lack of awareness amongst tourists, the fortified city of Mdina in Malta is very much disturbed by tourists. It is home to just over one hundred people, but is visited by hundreds of people on a daily basis, often running into the thousands during the summer months. The city has become such a popular attraction that the local people are beginning to feel commoditised. As a result they are developing negative attitudes towards tourists. This concept is know as Greenwashing. Greenwashing refers to the commoditisation of indigenous residents and natural surroundings, creating severe social problem. Residents are often subject to invasion of privacy as tourists fail to respect their daily lives, often gazing into peoples houses, and on many occasions, entering them to take a few quick photos. On the other hand, tourism is often beneficial in helping relatively conservative societies become more open to the world. This is the case in certain regions of Libya for instance, where state leaders have recently given the go ahead for the development of numerous sea side resorts along the coasts, as well as eco-touristic areas. As a result, Libyans may become more open to foreigners in the long run. Even though these plans have been opposed to by numerous nationals, it was done for the long term benefit of the country. During the 1980s, the Libyans were very much resistant to the changes proposed by their leaders. Foreign observers believed that the heads of states were in for a difficult time trying to convince the public of the need for social change. The importance of travel must also be pushed within companies, as it not only broadens ones perspectives but it can also help people become more productive. Travel for leisure is proven to improve psychological health by reducing stress levels. Leave from work is now obligatory in most countries around the world, simply because of the importance of leisure time. Another benefit of tourism on the structure of society may be the introduction of foreign expertise to the destination, which in turn may improve the skills of the local workforce. Foreign experts may visit a destination for conferences, through which they can develop or strengthen relationships with local entrepreneurs. As a result of such relationships, travel has given companies the possibilities to form partnerships or join affiliate programs with overseas companies. The distinctiveness of a destination is instrumental to its success, so national government or international agencies must ensure that the necessary systems are in place to avoid any sense of placelessness. Placelessness is a concept coined by E. Relph which states that places become more and more similar to each other due to globalisation. Although this may seem farfetched to some, it is still a probable scenario in the future as the world becomes even more connected. National and local governments must therefore do their utmost to promote the unique identity of the destination. For instance, Malta is the only island of its size to have its very own official language which is not spoken anywhere else in the world. Over the years Malta has been significantly influenced by foreigners, however, many of its traditions have remained intact, such as the local village feasts and the traditional Maltese folk music called ghana. However, while presenting a culture to tourists may help preserve the culture, it can also dilute or even destroy it. Local communities must therefore present traditions in their purest forms, without excessive tampering. Although the European Unions aim is to create a strong network between European countries, it strongly believes that each country must safeguard its own traditions to remain appealing. Environment The excessive development of a resource can lead to numerous negative impacts such as overdevelopment and loss of natural habitats. From an ecological point of view, some people may see tourism as the more acceptable industry. They may say that it is a lot less damaging than deforestation or overfishing, for instance, which may be true. However, those people who analyse tourism closely from all perspectives will notice that tourism does cause a significant amount of damage to the natural environment. Tourists tend to leave behind a trail of environmental degradation in the form of litter, from the excessive use of water in their hotel rooms, leaving lights on after they leave their rooms, to the burning of fossil fuels when making use of transportation to and from their final destination, as well as within it. It is well known that the tourism industry is not only made up of direct players, but also indirect players, and these play a significant part in polluting the environment. Another important factor to consider is the fact that certain localities can only accommodate a limited amount of people at a time. This concept is known as carrying capacity. Mathieson and Wall (1982) defined the tourism carrying capacity as The maximum number of people who can use a site without an unacceptable alteration in the physical environment and without unacceptable decline in the quality of experience gained by visitors. To ensure the longevity of certain attractions, carrying capacity guidelines must be respected and evaluated to ensure that little harm is caused. Although restricting the number of entrants into a facility may infringe upon profitability, in certain scenarios it is more valuable to protect something unique than to exhaust it. Advancements in environmentally friendly technologies are well underway, and numerous airline manufacturers are designing more fuel efficient aircraft which fall within emissions guidelines. Land transportation is also becoming increasingly environmentally friendly with the introduction of hybrid as well as all electric vehicles, and more fuel efficient fossil fuelled vehicles. US President Barack Obama is setting a big example by wanting all public transportation within the New York area to be environmentally friendly within the next few years. Tourism in Libya is on the rise, bringing increased demand for hotel accommodation and for capacity at airports such as Tripoli International. A multi-million dollar renovation of Libyan airports has recently been approved by the government to help meet such demands. At present 130,000 people visit the country annually; the Libyan government hopes to increase this figure to 10,000,000 tourists. Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi, the second-eldest son of Muammar al-Gaddafi, is involved in a green development project called the Green Mountain Sustainable Development Area, which seeks to bring tourism to Cyrene and to preserve Greek ruins in the area. Economy Minimise the negative impacts- Economic The introduction of environmentally friendly transportation systems would reduce health risks, therefore cutting health care costs for national government. This would cause less strain on the economic system. Ensure that local markets are up to date and can compete with foreign markets. Organisations must be dynamic and adaptable to rapid change. Maximise positive impacts- Economic -Promoting a countrys most popular assets will create employment as new business ventures may begin and new job positions will be made available as a result. The government must promote its destination as a secure place for investment, therefore increasing financial gain for stakeholders. Government must improve the state of the environment and make it more appealing to tourists.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Finding Mass Using The Inertial Balance :: essays research papers

Finding Mass Using the Inertial Balance Theory: Physics can be referred to as the study of various properties of matter and energy. Matter can best be described by looking at the mass of an object. Mass is the amount of material that is in an object. Mass can be found by using a spring scale, a balance scale, or an inertial balance. Inertia is the resistance by mass to any change in its state of motion. Scientific Law states that mass and inertial forces are directly proportional. The purpose of the inertial balance is to measure the different inertias between different masses therefore providing a mathematical and very accurate method of measuring mass. Experimentation showed that if a mass was put into some form of periodic motion, the mass could be measured fairly accurately by measuring the oscillation period and comparing it to a known mass period. The relationship m1=m2T12/T22 was discovered. Objective: After completing the experiment, we will be able to find the mass of objects using an inertial balance and compare them to accepted measures. Materials: C-clamps, inertial scale, a watch with a second hand, and a triple beam balance. Procedure: 1) The class will measure the period of oscillation of their balance pans when they are empty. The accepted period will be the average of the class. To find the period, you will measure the amount of time it takes for your balance to complete 20 oscillations. The period (T) will be computed by taking your time and dividing it by 20. This will be recorded as T2. 2) You will then measure the mass of your empty pan (including all screws) and record this as m2. 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  You will then measure the mass of one c-clamp. Record this as m1 accepted. 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using the inertial balance, find the time it would take for 20 oscillations of the c-clamp (which should be attached to the empty pan). Divide your time by 20 and record this as T1. 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Find the experimental mass of both the c-clamp and the empty pan by using the formula from page one. Record this as mtotal. 6)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Find the difference between the mtotal and m2 and record this as m1experimental. 7)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In a utopian world, m1 experimental should equal m1 accepted. 8)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Find your percent error by using the following formula: % Error = (accepted-experimental) / accepted 9)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Repeat using varying amounts of c-clamps for up to three trials. Data: Trial #  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  T2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  M2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  M1 accepted  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  T1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mtotal  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  M1 experimental 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  67.9  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  122.9  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  152  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  84.1 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  67.9  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  248.4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .35  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  207.9  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  140 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  67.9  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  382  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  .45  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  393.74  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  275.84 M1 accepted  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  M1 experimental  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  % Error 122.9  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  84.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  31.6% 248.4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  140  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  43.6% 382  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  275.48  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  27.88% Calculations: See last page.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Exploring Identity and Time in Here, An Arundel Tomb and The Whitsun Weddings :: An Arundel Tomb

Exploring Identity and Time in Here, An Arundel Tomb and The Whitsun Weddings  Ã‚  Ã‚   Larkin has been criticized over the years for the moroseness of his poems, the blackened description of everyday life that some people say lacks depth, however, unlike many other poets, Larkin does not always write the truth or the depth of his feelings. In many there is a voice, trying to convince its author of something that is usually quite evident or exploring itself but revealing only the surface. Why he is trying to convince himself and what are is true feelings present the real challenge and profundity of Larkin poems. The search for one's identity, combined for everybody in one's unique fantasies and realities is a recurrent theme in his poems. As is time, the passing of it, the transformation it engenders and the damage it inflicts. In "Here", identity or the search for one's identity is the main theme. The search is symbolized by the journey taken by Larkin, which takes him through the countryside before Hull, through Hull and finally into the countryside and the beach outside Hull. He finds his identity in the countryside outside Hull, however, he knows that although it is here that he yearns for, it is not his true self, it is his fantasy, the "Here" he would like to live in but that is nevertheless "out of reach". His real identity can be found in Hull with the people and city he so despises. His journey starts in the farm lands before Hull, he does not stop his car, he swerves passed everything as he knows it is not what he is searching for and the slowness of the life he describes here is used in contrast to the imagined speed of the author's swerving vehicle on the motorway. His next stop, his arrival in Hull marks an abrupt change in scenery ("the surprise of a large town") and the driver stops his car, Larkin uses the word "Here" here for the first time so that we assume he has at last found something, a part of his identity. What he sees, described in the next two paragraphs is a city he despises, a city of people whom he feels are below him, yet he knows it and them extremely. He knows about the contrast between its "domes and statues" and "grain scattered streets", as he knows the people there, he describes their movements as "stealing" suggesting stealth and sleaze as they move towards the supermarkets, swinging doors to their "desires", emphasizing that the desires are theirs.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Effects of Television on Modern Society Essay

Upon its introduction up until the dot com era television was the most popular medium. The ability for news and events to be televised and viewed instantly around the world has given our society the ability to connect with the world by the push of a button. Although TV has made information more assessable it has its weak points as well. Over the years violence on television has become more common and more acceptable. Until the recent push for TV ratings it was difficult for parents to ensure their children were viewing material they deemed appropriate and even so some may not agree with the rating system. I remember as a young child watching â€Å"Power Rangers† which was rated â€Å"TV-Y7†. That meant the youngest viewer watching should be at least seven years old. Kids mimic their heroes and act like they do. I don’t think it’s in the best interest of any seven year olds parents to allow for the child to take in such brutal shows. I am sure that within the next ten years television will either become much more liberal, or much more conservative, but not anywhere in between. Less and less people seem to care what is broadcast on cable TV, while the ones who do care seem to have a dying voice. The effect on our society is rather mixed and it will be a few decades before we see any real effects on our youth.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lady Macbeth Is More Ruthless Than Macbeth Essay

Lady Macbeth is portrayed as Macbeth’s driving force to, as some may call it the dark side. This is how Shakespeare shows her love for Macbeth and also her ambition; she wants the best life possible for him and also for herself. She is portrayed as the more ruthless one in the Macbeth team, but in hindsight she really only encourages Macbeth to be the best of his abilities she doesn’t kill anyone herself she is more ruthless in thought than in action. Macbeth acts on this encouragement therefore is the more ruthless one. The first time we hear of Macbeth in the play a captain is talking about the battle, even hear we can see Macbeth is ruthless. Macbeth is described as killing a man â€Å"Till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops† without any mercy or any hesitation. This shows courage but also ruthlessness, he does what he must to win the battle, which is kill his enemies. When Lady Macbeth heard that the first prophecy had come true she was plottin g the murder of Duncan straight away, I would call this ambition. Lady Macbeth is almost portrayed as an opportunist here. She sees her chance to gain the throne, sees what must done for her to gain it and makes it happen. Lady Macbeth knows she could never kill Duncan herself she is too weak. She calls on the supernatural to help her â€Å"come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from crown to the toe topfull of direst cruelty† this shows Lady Macbeth is ruthless is thought but not in action. She doubts whether Macbeths has what it takes to seize the crown, she views his kindness and essential goodness as negative â€Å"it is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness†. Macbeth is ruthless because he is the one to kill Duncan. At first Macbeth is hesitant when considering killing Duncan â€Å"who should against his murders shut the door, not bear the knife myself.† Lady Macbeth has to question has to question his man hood before he will agree to do it. â€Å"When durst you do it, the n you were a man†. Lady Macbeth never mentions anything about killing the guards Macbeth makes that decision all on his own. He does what he must to stay king and protect himself from being caught we see this constantly throughout the play. Macbeth was prepared to do something to Malcolm before he had even killed Duncan, before lady Macbeth had even spoke to him about killing â€Å"that is a step on which I must fall down or else o’er-leap for in my way it lies†. Macbeth has it arranged for his best friend and his son to be killed all for the sake of the throne, from the guards murder on Macbeth completely shuts out Lady Macbeth. He also kills macduffs family because he wouldn’t support him and feared he would try to over throw him. We see Lady Macbeth completely disappear from Macbeth life once he becomes king he is too preoccupied protecting his crown to bother with her. When she dies he doesn’t care all he says is â€Å"she should have dies hereafter† and charges away into battle this is where we see his true ruthlessness to not even care your own wife is dead to not care who will die in battle whether it be his subjects, thanes or wife all he cares about is staying king and he will do bathing he feels necessary. Lady Macbeth pays for her ambition dearly when she is haunted by her own sleep walking her subconscious mind shows what really is going on in her mind. Her tormenting grief is shown â€Å"yet who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him† she torments herself over Macbeths killings â€Å"the Thank of Fife had a wife: where is she now ?† â€Å"Banquo’s buried; he cannot come out on’s grave.† this all shows she is not as ruthless as Macbeth he shows no remorse for what he has done apart from briefly after Duncan’s murder, whereas lady Macbeth is tormented by grief which eventually leads to her suicide. Macbeth is the more ruthless is the Macbeth team he does what he must to stay king he commits and plans numerous murders. Whereas Lady Macbeth encourages him to commit one muder, she is more ruthless in mind than in action.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ethical Issues of Drinking at Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethical Issues of Drinking at Work - Essay Example Due to it, drinking can be defined as contradictory of the ethical conduct at work and especially in the field of engineering as far as it is directly linked to the well-being and quality of life of the public. Prior to narrowing the following discussion to the topic of the issue of drinking in the workplace, it is essential to explain what is commonly understood under the term ethics and how it applies to the work setting. In the most general sense, ethics can be regarded as a particular system of moral principles that influences decision-making and behavior of people. Richard Corrigan in his guide to ethics reminds in this regard a definition suggested by Manuel Velasquez and Claire Andre who concluded that the notions of ethics can be associated with â€Å"well based standards of right and wrong which prescribe what people ought to do in relation to obligations, rights, fairness, benefits to society, or specific virtues†. (41-42) Subsequently, the list of ethical standards is sure to include the ones concerned with compassion, honesty, or loyalty as well as those that touch upon the freedom of injury or the right to privacy. Moreover, it is important to mentions that ethics is co mmonly associated with both the individual and social context. At this point, it would be useful to resort to the etymology of the word ethics that can, in fact, be traced to the Greek ethos which stands for character or custom. (Corrigan 41-42)The following exemplifies that by its origin, ethics is aimed at focusing on not only an individual, his/her actions and character, but on the scope of essential social rules which guide behavior and actions, such as those related to evil and good that constitute human morality. Serving as a system of morally right and socially acceptable system of the standards of behavior and conduct, ethics is recognized as an extremely important component of human

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Technology in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Technology in Education - Essay Example This essay stresses that one of the basic requirements to acquire education was that the teacher and the student had to meet physically and in a time bound frame where the student had the limited opportunity to go about a topic and learn as much as he or she may in a specific time domain. As the paper declare that resource availability to the teachers was limited where they may ensure their continuous learning process in order to transfer the updated and up-to-mark knowledge to the students. This barrier differed from area to area, resources to resources and interest to interest whereby one may want to acquire specific knowledge but couldn’t get approach to the required resources. Major way-outs to this in old times were library, books and scholars where a person may approach and quench his or her thirst for specific information or knowledge. With the advent of computers followed by internet mania, the whole scenario has changed so rapidly, that there is hardly any effort needed in general to approach the knowledge ,open to the rest of the world if interest is prevailing. Few decades before, one had to go through the piles of pages and put up a great deal of effort in order to find the piece of specific information he or she wants to know, however it is totally in the reach of the common person due to technological advancements. Search engines, growing libraries on the internet and virtually accessible databases have now turned down the biggest hurdle in acquiring knowledge that is the accessibility issue. As the time has passed over past few decades, the importance of technological advancement has remarkable increased as well. This has caused new ways of learning in education process. After the times of educating by the physical academic material, electronic era began. Personal computers ruled over the market for quite some time and then laptops became famous due to numerous reasons. One of the most common reasons is the mobility. Laptops motivate students and help to simplify for the students any complicated information, especially, in the subjects like science and math. Students can study conveniently by accessing class education at home due to mobility feature. However, this technology is cost effective and sometimes it is hard to cap ture the attention of all students and also to make sure that all of them are using their laptops to achieve what they are told in class. Not only academic and basic education, but also professional education has been excessively impacted in positive terms by the technological advancements over the past few decades. Different fields including medical, engineering, economics, technology and business studies have prospered because up-to-date information about each subject and domain can be easily accessed via laptops through internet. Wi-Fi technology has attracted not only students, but also teachers to work with complete attention on their laptops as wires irritate the users and users like students and professionals like teachers need panic-free environment to concentrate as they are in to academic world. However, there are also many disadvantages of using laptops in classrooms. Certainly, if a student has internet and laptop with him in teen-age, he / she might tend to open social networking sites, chatting applications where anyone can message them upon finding them online. This

Monday, October 7, 2019

Union Management and Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Union Management and Organization - Essay Example Union Management and Organization USA as country was growing due to rapid industrialization during 19th century as subsequently demand for labors was also growing at rapid pace. Historians named the phase as ‘Industrial Revolution† and as the frequency of inclusion of labors in the workforce increased subsequently the fear of insecurity from owners of the industry was automatically generated among workers. At that time, labors came across various examples of mistreatment such as physical abuse, extended work hours etc conducted by the owners of organizations and in such situation, they felt the urge of a protector group who can communicate the demand of labors to owners. As the time passed by, the protector group became the first organized union in USA. In 1837, the union of labors demanded to reduce the work hour and make it of less than 10 hours and finally organizations were compelled to grant the legislation of ten-hour workdays. After the success of first attempt to form organized labor union, small level city unions had organized and successfully established National Labor Union during 1866 (Murray, 2011). National Labor Union lobbied for Federal eight-hour workday but the demand was set for only government workers. At that time, two separate groups were also formed American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Knights of Labor in order to protect interest of workers. During late 19th century and early 20th century, valuation of unskilled labor pool in USA decreased due to the fact that owners of the organization had started to replace the unskilled workers by immigrants. As a result, unskilled workers in USA became vulnerable to low wages and poor working condition and these labors organized riots and strike in order to get their demands noticed (Murray, 2011). For example, strike by United Mine workers and Pullman Railroad workers in Pennsylvania were ended by Federal Government interventions. In many instances, AFL pressed Federal Congress to amend Union Labor Law and U.S. Departm ent of Labor was created in order to protect the rights and interest of wage earners. For example, Clayton Act was passed in 1914 in order to legalize boycotts and strikes. However, the situation had changed during Great Depression because during Great Depression, unemployment rate in USA significantly increased. At that time, legal act like Fair Labor Standards Act and Public Contracts Act were passed in order to address issues like child labor, overtime pay and minimum wage. Unionization had lost its wind during World War II and labor organization took no-strike policy at that time. After the War, Civil Rights Acts and Equal Pay Act were passed during 1960’s in order to address discrimination in workplace. After understanding the historical context of Union Labor Management, the essay will shed light on actions of unions and management to determine basic compliance with the major U.S. federal labor laws. According to draft published by U.S Department of Labor (2011), there should be an Administrator which will direct and supervise the actions of unions and management in the organization. According to the direction of Administrator, management and unions should appoint, select and classify labors in accordance to their merit. Unions should contact management regarding any discrimination in terms of wage, racial, working hour etc and both of them should take actions

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Managerial economics and strategic analysis Essay

Managerial economics and strategic analysis - Essay Example Hays (2004) estimates that about 70 % of the sales volume for the Company comes from outside the United States and about 80% of the profits comes from non American countries. Coca cola Company is therefore one of the Companies with most presence in the world, which is attributed to the fact that the soft drink; Coca Cola is widely available globally and has become the world’s favorite soft drink (Hays, 2004). According to Dess (2012), the successful implementation of a Company’s strategy requires effective strategic control. Control is in the form of behavior and how information is used. In order to cater for the interests of the two key players in a Company, that is the shareholders and the managers, a Company must ensure that these interests are aligned (Dess, 2012). This can be achieved through establishing corporate governance. Globally, the soft drink market is dominated by three Companies; the Coca Cola, Cadbury’s Schweppes and Pepsi Cola Companies. Coca Cola laid claim to about 47% of the global market with Pepsi Cola following at 21 % and Schweppes at 8%. In aligning the interests of the Company shareholders and managers, Coca Cola separated the Company separated it’s ownership from its control. This was made possible through the employment of managers to run the Company on behalf of the owners. The company employs the use of incentives intended for its managers to facilitate the achievement of the Company’s goals. The control of governance mechanisms has been successfully achieved through the use of external auditors who check the Company books regularly to ensure that the financial information disclosed by the Managers is accurate and in doing so; protect the owners from financial risks (Dess, 2012). The Company is also subject to external regulatory bodies that check for the quality of their product and control the standards of these products. These bodies ensure that the consumer gets a product that fits their needs

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Why Failure is on the Path to Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why Failure is on the Path to Success - Essay Example But, what value is education if students are not fully prepared to go out into the world and discover a career that they can be successful at? The truth is that the option to fail students is an important part of a quality education system. Mary Sherry, in â€Å"In Praise of the F Word,† argues for the idea that students must be flunked if they are not up to standard. There are three reasons why the choice to fail a student must be present: the fear of failure, and competition, lead to a better quality student, education is worthless if a student does not develop sufficient career skills, and failure can sometimes be inevitable in order for a student to achieve success. The choice to fail students must be an option because the fear of failure, and competition, lead to a better quality student. The majority of students do not possess the ability to motivate themselves from within. There are of course the rare few who have the natural ability to always excel at any task that the y perform. If students are not given clear boundaries and expectations, then they are likely to meander without a goal or vision. If a student is not permitted to fail, then there is no incentive to excel. It is then good enough just to survive through school while not learning anything to a high degree. Almost every student would not voluntarily choose to fail, so if the option is presented to them, then they will certainly do everything to avoid it. Learning to compete and strive for excellence at all times is actually beneficial to a student because with enough guidance, they can motivate themselves enough to actually succeed. Just like in Communist countries, where everyone receives the same pay no matter the profession, there is no incentive to actually improve because it is possible to get by with just doing the bare minimum. Another reason why failure must be considered an option is because education is worthless if a student does not develop sufficient career skills. A few h undred years ago, the education institutions that are in place today were not yet founded. The majority of the population was uneducated, and thus could not rise in the economic ladder. When education began, the whole purpose was to equip people with skills that they could use to uplift themselves. If students do not possess the knowledge required after receiving an education, then their teachers, and the education system as a whole, have ultimately failed them. Not only that letting students pass who have not truly earned their qualifications not only deceives the student, but any employer that is considering hiring them. As Mary Sherry says in â€Å"In Praise of the F Word,† â€Å"passing students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers who expect graduates to have basic skills.† Finally, failure must be on the table because failure can sometimes be inevitable in order for a student to achieve success. There are some students who are naturally gi fted, and education is a breeze to them. That is all fine and good, and those students should be encouraged to go as far as they can. However, the vast majority of students do not know how to succeed because they are not naturally gifted. These students often fail simply because they are unsure of how to succeed. But, failing makes up a significant part of their education process because only once they fail do they realize what it takes to succeed. If failure is not an option, then they may appear to succeed, but will their appeared success help them at all? As Thomas Edison once said, failing is only finding one way that does not succeed. Once failures are eliminated, then success can be reached. Most people are afraid of failure, and rightly so, but

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Bullwhip Effect Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Bullwhip Effect - Assignment Example The Bullwhip Effect is of great concern because it can lead to low profits, increased costs, poor use of transport and storage facilities, inefficiency in the use of limited resources and even crisis in placing orders. All these reasons explain why this is a great area of interest (Bhattacharya & Bandyopadhyay, 2011). It is also a significant area that should be studied in order to increase efficiency in how enterprises carry their day to day activities. I am also interested in this topic because I would like to contribute to its solution. Moreover, an aspect of academic curiosity sparked my interest in the topic. The research conducted shows a number of similarities with what I learned in the Module. For instance, the definition of the Bullwhip Effect tends to be the same. Even the environment and circumstances in which it occurs is very similar. For both, the phenomenon occurs in a supply chain where there are members placing orders to each subsequent member in the upstream. In both, the fact that Bullwhip Effect results in an increased or exaggerated variability in the upstream end more than the downstream is recognized. The Bullwhip effect arises as a result of various factors. Some of the causes are rationing and shortage gaming, price fluctuations, demand forecast, updating and order batching. These causes coupled up with the manager’s decisions, most of which are rational, lead to the Bullwhip Effect. Forecasts made based on information from the member down the stream lead to amplification of demand. Dependence on these downstream pieces of information to plan for inventory ofte n misleads. As such, many upstream members end up having a greater variability of demand (Lee et al., 2014). Another cause is the frequent change in prices in the market. Sometimes the manufacturers reduce the prices of their products. This makes more suppliers in the downstream end to do ‘forward buying’. This is in a

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant Essay Example for Free

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant Essay In The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant, the main character, Mathilde, fails to realise that happiness comes from within. Mathilde borrows a necklace from her friend in order to go to a fancy ball with her husband. She manages to lose her necklace, with disastrous consequences. Mathilde needed to appreciate what she had and learn that people are charmed by personality. In order to be happy, people have to learn to appreciate what they have. Madame Loisel had a good life. She had a loving husband and a servant to help her run the house. However she was not happy. She yearned for a privileged life. It was only when she lost everything and came to know the life of abject poverty, did she realise, how little is needed to ruin or save. People arent necessarily impressed by appearance or possessions, but rather personality. When her husband gave her the invite to the ball, Mathilde upset. She had no clothes or jewels to wear to such an affair. She thought that the guests at the ball would not be charmed by her ordinary clothes. However, when she reached the ball all of the guests were enchanted by her happiness! She was the prettiest woman at present, graceful, smiling and quite above herself with happiness. Remembering and celebrating happy memories is all you need to be happy. When Mathilde came home from the ball, she was upset, disappointed and sad. It was over. She would never see such riches again. What Mathilde forgot to do though, was to celebrate those happy memories she held from that spectacular night, but sadly it ended to soon for Mathilde, and sadly they walked up to their own apartment. It was the end, for her. Later in her life when she was reduced to a life of poverty, Mathilde realised and cherished the importance of happy memories, shethought of that evening long ago Mathilde had a loving husband, a comfortable home and a wonderful servant to help her. Yet all she was interested in was possessions. This had the effect of not appreciating what she had, forgetting to celebrate good times and not focussing on what is important, your inner self.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Marketing Strategy For Entering New Zealand Market Marketing Essay

Marketing Strategy For Entering New Zealand Market Marketing Essay Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It has approximately 401,500 people live within the city boundary and 1.25 million in the greater Auckland area. This represents about one third of the population of the whole country. Auckland City (informally Central Auckland) is the city and local authority covering the Auckland isthmus and most of the islands of the Hauraki Gulf, in the North Island of New Zealand. It lies in the Auckland Region, and the Auckland Regional Council is also based in Auckland City. In 2009, it was rated the 4th best place to live in the world, in human resources consultancy Mercers annual survey.  Thus, Auckland is a potential market. In order to market Auckland, we are going to launch out Malaysia local foods, satay. Satay is a type of foods that are grilled or barbecued over a wood or charcoal fire, then served with various spicy seasonings. Satay is cheap and easily prepared if you are experienced worker. We are launching traditional satay which has six types of satay meat. Six types of satay meats that we launched out are mutton, beef, rabbit, deer, chicken, and fish. We will produce our own secret recipe that cannot be found in others place. It is use to attract the local market of Auckland. Our objective is to lets the foreigner experience new flavour and new sensation of Malaysia local food. In making consideration of the health issues, our satay is modified to be less oil, less calories and less fat. We will set up our own outlet that has traditional design of Malaysia style. Customers can feel the Malaysian culture when they come to our outlet. Waiter and waitress in our outlet are required to wear the custom of Malaysian style. The speciality of our outlet is customers are able to see the satay producing process. Besides that, online purchase service also available. Customers can either purchase satay directly from our outlet or indirectly by online booking. These make them more convenience. Delivery services are also provided and free of charge if it is within specific area. Price Price is one of the important issues in marketing mix that determine whether a product can be success or not. Price that we offer is following ethical issue. We are using penetration strategy to attract the customers. Difference types of satay meats are charge at difference prices. Customers can get special discount when they reach certain level of consumption. Low price but high quality of foods is provided. There is no price discrimination to end customer which is an illegal actions. Promotion Promotion efforts that we offered to local people of Auckland are include flyers, newspaper, free sample, cash vouchers, delivery services and weekly discount. If we can promote our products and outlet well, customers will automatically come to us. Flyers and newspaper are more economic ways to promote certain product. Due to we are relatively new in Auckland, we have to heavily promote our products and outlets to reach the sales. Free sample for testing are only available in the first three months of opening. As a conclusion, we are target to tourists and local people in Auckland. In short term, we wish to add on new types of satay such as satay celup and satay lok-lok. We will expand to other city in New Zealand when the market is mature and able to expand. Macro environment analysis PESTEL analysis Introduction PESTEL analysis is an external analysis of the macro-environment in which a business operates. The main objective is to understand the affect of those reasons on business or trade policy because external factors of a country are different within each others. Therefore, we should choose a suitable location to operate the business by viewing the analysis to ensure that the business has potential to enter the country. The country that we had chosen to analyse is in New Zealand which is Auckland. Our analysis is based on three main factors which are political and legal factor, economy factor and finally social and culture factor. Political and legal factor To run a business at other country, one of the important factors which affect trade policy is their legal rules, regulations and their government. Each of the worlds national government regulates trade and commerce with other countries and controls the access of outside enterprises to national resources. The operations and activities of the global enterprise, including the global marketers ability to address market opportunities and threats are affected by every countrys unique legal and regulatory system. The risk is lesser if the government is stable. This is because legal rules and regulations would not be change in short period. In Auckland, the risk of operating new business is high. This is because after every three year, the new government of New Zealand will apply new rules and regulations which benefit for an organization. So, although a business can going into the market in this year, but it does not meant that it can permanently set up at Auckland due to the new rules and regulations. Therefore, before our satay business is going in the market of Auckland, we need to analysis and do estimation on the rules and regulations of Auckland. This is to ensure our business can live longer at Auckland and can survive in Auckland market. Beside the risk of operate business, the labour force is very expensive in New Zealand. Labour force in New Zealand is highly appreciated, thus the labour are given high salary. The labour force in Auckland is also same situation with New Zealand. Due to the high labour force, we planned to assign some of the workers from Malaysia to operate the business in Auckland. This can save our operating expenses. However, we still need to hire local workers because of the local people more understanding the rules and regulations of their own country. Thus, if there are changes in rules and regulations in New Zealand, we can do some adjustment pander to the changes. To operate new business, every organization needs a vast amount of money. The lending rate in New Zealand is high, company has to paid more interest. This situation could be good for the government but it might reduce the profit of a company. The capital of our satay business needs to be high to prevent lending money from government of New Zealand. Exporting a business to New Zealand is already high cost activity, if our business still needs to bare the high lending interest, it will be very hard to earn profits. This is because the profits had been used to pay the high lending interest. Thus, our business needs to have a large amount of capital to export the business to Auckland. Business freedom in New Zealand is 99. 9 % and trade freedom is 84.6 %. It meant that New Zealand has better environment to do business and trading. Due to the freedom of government of New Zealand, our satay business can be exported to Auckland. There is less restriction on doing business in Auckland. The government allows the business to create their own market. Any business that the businessmen want to do, they can apply for the license. The license will always be approved by the government. Therefore, we can easily bring our satay business into Auckland. Economy Factor Inflation rate is less in New Zealand. If inflation rate is low, every commodity and service such as labour, rice, sugar and others products will available at low price where as the organization can produce more. Therefore, we can buy the local products with a low price and fully utilized the resources to increase the productivity. By the lower price of resources, we can launch our business successfully because we need not to worry about the high operating expenses. We can spend our money in other activities that need more investment such as advertising. In New Zealand, people prefer to spend more to help carry on the circulation of money all over the country by buy capital goods, luxuries products and necessary products. This meant that they support their local products. They like to buy their own country product to help the economic growth. In this situation, we decide to buy mutton and beef from New Zealand. We will let our consumers know that our satay is made by the mutton and beef come from their own country. Since they are supporting local products, they will tend to support our satay that produced by local mutton and beef. Moreover, the unemployment rate in New Zealand is low. The citizen will have their own work. Therefore, they have purchasing power that allowed them to buy the products they like. The consumers will consume from the shop because they have money to consume products that they prefer. Our satay is not very expensive compare to local food. If the consumers found that our satay is much better than their expectation, the will consume more. Once the food is cheaper and delicious than other, the consumers can be attracted easily. Social and Culture factor Every country has different culture to each other. New Zealand has majority of Christians religion. According to the 2006 census, Christianity is the predominant religion in New Zealand, which have 55.6% of the population, another 34.7% had no religion and around 4% affiliated with other religions. The Christians have no much restriction about the food that take. Not like Muslims, they have more restriction on food. Therefore, the Christians can choose the food they prefer to have. Besides, the consumption and imports of foods and beverage and electronic gadgets will increase during festival like Christmas in New Zealand. This is because the Christians are concern on their special festival. They prefer cook some special foods and invite their relatives and friends to have a gathering. Thus, our satay maybe can be a choice for them to serve their relatives and friends. Moreover, New Zealand is concern in education sector. 99% of populations are literate in New Zealand. Education sector contributed 6.2% to New Zealand GDP. New Zealand is famous on education sector. Many foreign students are study English and mostly foreigner study in university at New Zealand. One of the famous universities in New Zealand is University Of Auckland. The floating population in Auckland is high due to the famous university. This is an opportunity for our business to launch in Auckland. The population is high and we can target on the students. Students always dare to try new things and they always search for new things to try. Thus, we can attract the students by promoting our satay to them. Furthermore, life expectancy rate is more and mortality rate is low in New Zealand. This is because their lifestyle is free and less stress, they do not like to stay in stressful life. They prefer leisurely lifestyle. After work, they would not think about the work again. They will clear their mind and enjoy their rest time. Thus, they like to do some leisure activities such as go for a walk in the park. One of the famous parks in Auckland is Albert Park. The Auckland citizen will visit to the park during their leisure time. Therefore, we can target on this group of people. They maybe will like to have their meal after they tired and feel hungry because our satay shop is near the park. By giving some flyers to the people, they will acknowledge that there have a stall just set up and they maybe will try it. Conclusion As a conclusion, our business should do enough survey and analysis before going into the New Zealand market to ensure that our business can successfully launch at Auckland. Moreover, the analysis will help us to prevent loss because it does not make sense if we export a business that does not have potential market in the country. In such situation, we will not bring the business into the country. Thus, we will not jump into the loss stage in business because of launching a failure business in a not suitable country. Besides, we can also reduce the risk of operating new business in foreign country if we practise macro environment analysis. This is because we have enough knowledge about the environment factors of the country and we have to judge whether the country has potential for us to export the business. Furthermore, our satay business is discovering a new market in Auckland because there were few store that selling satay. Satay is considered as a new product because satay is a type of traditional food from Malaysia. If the local people have noticed that our satay is met their expectation on food, they will eat at our store. Global Market Segmentation Introduction Market segmentation is an effort to identify and categorize a group of customers and countries according to common characteristics such as gender, income and education level. Global Market Segmentation is defined as the process that identifies specific segments of potential customers with homogeneous attributes who exhibit similar responses to a marketing mix. There are five types of Global Marketing Segmentation which are demographic, psychographic, behavioural characteristics, benefit sought and ethnic. Our satay shop is using the demographic segmentation and psychographic segmentation. Demographic segmentation Demographic segmentation is based on characteristics such as income, population size, age distribution, gender, education, and occupation. We have chosen the income to segment the market. We have segmented the market by using income. There are three level of income segmentation which is high income level, middle income level and low income level. High income level is referred to the people that have income NZ$ 5000 and above each month. Middle income level is referred to the people that have income NZ$ 3500 to NZ$ 5000 each month. While income below NZ$ 3500 is considered as low income level. These situations are because of the living costs in New Zealand is very high. The activities that involve labour force will charge at a high price. The rental of house is also very high in New Zealand. Psychographic segmentation Psychographic segmentation is grouping people by their attitudes, values and lifestyles. By analyze the attitudes, values and lifestyles of the people, we can segment them into different groups. There are several groups of people that stay in Auckland which are students and citizen of Auckland. Students have a high floating population because New Zealand is famous and concern on its education sector. Therefore, there are many local and foreign students that study in Auckland. Citizen is the local people that born and live in Auckland. Different groups of people have different attitudes, values and lifestyle. We are segmenting them based on two aspects which are values and lifestyle. From values aspects, the students are daring to try new things. Thus, promoting is encouraged to the students. They can easily be attracted and dare to try for the things. Meanwhile the citizen is more traditional because they had been affected by the culture. They need to be given more information to motivate them to try the new things. Moreover, from lifestyle aspects, the students are tried to save their living costs. Therefore, they will seldom having meals at the shops. They will cook at home to save the money. Our satay is selling at a low price that afford by the students. Besides, the citizen of Auckland also preferred leisurely lifestyle. From our analysis, we found that the citizen of Auckland do not think about the work after the ended of working hours. So, they can have meals at our shop to reduce their annoyance for what to cook for the day. Conclusion There are different values for students and citizen of Auckland but both of them have similar lifestyle. Therefore, different promotion strategies have to use to attract these groups of people. By segmenting the market into smaller groups, we can determine what we can do to attract the consumers and gain the market share. Targeting Introduction Targeting is defined as the process of evaluating the segments and focusing marketing efforts on a country, region, or group of people that has significant potential to respond. Such targeting is reflected to the reality that a company should identify consumers to reach most effectively, efficiently, and profitably. We are target on middle income level people and mainly target in students. Middle Income Level People We are targeting on middle income people because middle income people will always find for the foods that are delicious but not looking at the price to judge whether the food is good or not. High income people always look for the food that is expensive. They will perceive price as the quality of the food. Thus, we are not aiming for high income people. Middle income people are our target. Middle income people will seldom perceive the price as the quality of the foods. Therefore, they will be attracted if the food is delicious and met their expectation. However, the price of satay is not very high compare to other local food in Auckland. Therefore, for the people that having a low income also can taste our satay. Students Students have a high floating population in Auckland because of the famous of education sector in New Zealand. Students are our target is because the values of students. The mind set of students are more open, they dare to try. Thus, if the promotion can attract their attention, they will find out whether the food is good or not. They can accept new taste more easily. Besides, to save the living costs in Auckland, many students have tried to cook by their own. However, sometimes they have no time for cook. Thus, our satay shop can help them solve the problems. The price of satay is not very expensive and they can have their meals in our shop. It is a low spending and also brings convenience to them. Conclusion By concentrate on target market, we can understand better what the market wants and needs. We can try to fulfil the needs and wants of the consumers to bring more satisfaction to them for maintaining our long term relationship that may affect our profits in long term. Justification of new business venture Why our company choose satay as our new venture to enter Auckland, New Zealand? There are few reasons that prove there are opportunities on our product. Everything starts with the customer. We pride ourselves in knowing whats going on in the minds of our consumers. We spend vast amounts of time each year researching the markets where we operate and our customers changing tastes and lifestyle habits. We know what our customers want now. Fusion of Asian recipes In restaurants and at home, New Zealanders are enthusiastic about the fusion of traditional Asian recipes with fresh New Zealand produce. Authentic ingredients for Asian cooking are available in most supermarkets and specialty food stores. This means that New Zealanders can accept well and quite interests on Asian cooking style. So, satay also can be accepted by New Zealanders, since satay is also one of the most popular foods toward Asian and it has a very high potential market value in food industry. It can be seen when the tourist having their vocation in Malaysia, they like to try local foods such as nasi lemak and laksa. No or less competitions Since satay is Malaysias local foods, it is only little or few competition for us. in New Zealand, thus our company biggest advantage is we are the pioneer in producing satay in New Zealand. So, our company will not face any competitor in same sector. Besides that, New Zealand is a very good place for growing things. At present, much of what we grow is on the basis of potential export receipts (cows, pines). So, our company will not facing any shortages in raw resources such as beef. Since New Zealanders like to eat beef, so our company will firstly decide to produce beef satay by fresh beef to introduce to domestic citizens. Low start-up cost Another reason that make we choose Auckland to start new venture is our company has advantage such as low start-up cost and low producing cost .Since satay is a quite simple food to produce, the material handling cost are low. It does not require investing in research and development. It just requires some labour skills and fixed machine. We have to paid fixed amount of salaries to employ the experience workers and buying the machine. Besides that, New Zealand is famous with the production of cow and sheep. From the date that we recovery ,we found out that the number of sheep and cow in New Zealand are more than nine times if compared with the population in New Zealand. We can easily get raw material from local supplier. It saves a lot of cost. We also no need to worry about shortage of raw material. Lifestyle Malaysian is looking for fast foods to counter caused by their busy lifestyles. The lifestyles of New Zealanders are slightly difference with Malaysian. They are very busy and serious during work. So, as a result they do not bring work into home. They know how to enjoy their life. Our company is decide to make satay as a part of fast food which can satisfied those who are always in busy lifestyle since it is easy to consume. However, nowadays, consumers are also looking for foods to counter poor health caused by busy lifestyles, insufficient exercise and fast food. As a consequence, people all over the world are recognizing that diet is important to their health. So our company will introduce low fat satay which can let consumer eat in a healthier way but still can taste a delicious satay. Our satay is low calories, low fat and less oil. Besides that, consumers want to know that their food is safe, and proof of claims is becoming a key requirement, especially in the health benefit ar ea. Certification and tracking of food production for safety reasons is increasing. There is a growing desire for safe food. Our company products are all have been clinically tested and proven that satay is safe to eat. As a conclusion, the above reasons make our company interested to start new venture in Auckland. It is really an interested facts that encourage we to do so. Product strategy Satay The product that we plan to launch out in Auckland, New Zealand is satay. Satay can be found throughout every state in Malaysia either in restaurant or beside street. Popular kinds of satay are usually pork satay, beef satay, and chicken satay. Difference cultures may have difference types of satay. For an example, Indonesias satay is different with Singapores satay. A variation of meat satay is the satay lok-lok from Penang and satay celup from Malacca. Raw meat pieces, tofu pieces, century eggs, quail eggs, fish cake pieces, offal or vegetable pieces are skewered on bamboo sticks. These are cooked by being dipped in boiling water or stock. The satay is eaten with a blackish sweet sauce with or without chili sauce. If the satay is eaten with satay sauce, it is called satay lok-lok. If the satay is cooked with boiling satay peanut sauce, it is called satay celup. This is available either from street vendors or at certain restaurants. We are selling traditional satay in Auckland. We do not selling satay lok-lok or satay celup. When the market share are increase and become more stable, we will try to add on other types of satay. There are total six types of satay meat that we will launch out in Auckland. The six types of meat satay are chicken, mutton, beef, deer, fish, and rabbit. As you can see, we do not sell pork satay. This is because one of our target markets is tourists. The tourists may be including other religion such as Muslim. In order to attract this type of tourists, we do not launch out pork satay. Different types of satay will be selling at different price. The satay that we sell is in the form of string. Before the satay are grilled or barbecued over a wood or charcoal fire, it must first marinate by turmeric and other seasoning. Turmeric will be used to marinate satay, which gives the dish its characteristic yellow colours. After marinated, satay is stringed to the midrib of the coconut leaf. After that, satay will be grilled or barbecued over a wood or charcoal. We are using traditional ways to grill the satay. The charcoal fire can make satay tasty. Lastly, satay is served with various spicy seasonings. We will serve our satay with a spicy peanut sauce dip, or peanut gravy, slivers of onions and cucumbers, bread and ketupat (rice cakes). Our sauce includes ground chilli, onion, tomato, shrimp, oil, and nuts inside. We also will make our secret recipe sauce to attract difference taste of customers. Customers can choose either they want spicy sauce or sweet sauce. Beef and mutton that our restaurant will use is all origin from New Zealand. This is because European prefers to eat beef and mutton that origin from their own country. Besides that they also more trusted to those which are come from their country since it has been approve by their Hygienic Agency that the meat is totally safe to be eat and free of harmful virus. Thus, European are also culture that support to their country so if our restaurant use material that origin from their own country it will encourage them to purchase more in our restaurant and also will ensure them come back over and over again. People nowadays are more concern about their health. They no longer prefer oily foods. If we did not customization our satay to meet local demand, then it will bring failure for us. Due to this, our satay is modifying to become less oil and less salts. We are also following the ethical issue. We will definitely provide clean and healthy satay. We will ensure that the supplier will provide us healthy meats and are ethically. Besides that, all of our workers are need to wearing gloves to ensure the cleanliness. Experienced cook and worker are employ in our outlet to make sure the flavour of satay will perform well. Herbal tea Our restaurant also provides traditional Chinese herbal tea such as chrysanthemum tea, Chinese watermelon tea, barley, siraitia prosvenorii (luo han guo) and herbal jelly . We provide Chinese herbal tea is because herbal tea can bring many health benefits for humans body. The health benefits of herbal tea are capable of keeping balance, control over cholesterol, clearing heat, neutralizing toxins, and protecting the liver. Since our satay are grilled or barbecued over a wood or charcoal fire, herbal tea can help our consumer clearing heat and neutralizing toxins after eating the satay. Teh tarik and others Furthermore, because our food is a traditional food in Malaysia, we also have provide traditional drinks in Malaysia such as teh tarik . Teh tarik is a common and favourite drink for Malaysians. Teh tarik is very easy to prepare because the ingredients are black tea and condensed milk. However, we also will provide sky juice and soft drinks for our consumers. This is because not all the consumers can accept the taste of Chinese herbal tea and local teh tarik. We need to provide some drinks which acceptable by the consumers. Distribution Channel We will distribute our satay by two ways, either by own outlet or online mode. Outlet We will open our first satay shop in Auckland. We will set up our own and specific outlet in New Zealand. We are using Malaysian styles of design. When customers walk in to our outlet, they will feel and experience the Malaysian style. Waiter and waitress are required to wear Malaysia customs. Therefore, when customers are visiting to our outlet, they can really impressed by our culture. One speciality of our outlet is customers can see the process of producing satay. Our restaurants seat can be found in personal seat, couple seats, four person seats, six person seats, and ten person seats. Customers can choose either to dine in or take away. Besides the residents, it also consists of the most potential customer for our shop. There are many students that study in this city no matter local students or foreign students. Students like to hanging around after school with their friends whether they go to shopping mall or having their meal together. Usually they prefer special meal that th ey seldom or never taste before. They will also take consideration into the price issue. Our satay is suitable food for them. Satay is a kind of food that origin from Malaysia. So, it is quite special and unique in Auckland. For sure students will like it since them always curious and excited to something that is relatively new for them and them willing to pay for a try. Besides that, Auckland is the retail and commercial centre of New Zealand. Workers that have monthly salary will have a higher purchasing power which also means that they also are our shop important potential customer. A higher purchasing power will encourage them to purchase more in our shop. Workers also like to find some place to relax after they finish their work in office. Our shop provides them a place to enjoy their delicious meal, have a good conservation with their friends, and a place to enjoy the culture of others. Another important potential customer is tourism. Auckland is the gateway to New Zealand for tourism and immigration. Every year there are more than 6digits of tourism that tour to Auckland and this provide our shop a chance to earn money from them. Our shop provides a perfect environment for tourism to rest and full their empty stomach. Our shop will have a good view of seaside in front of our shop which will present a comfortable environment for our customer while they enjoying their meal especially for tourism who purposely come to Auckland because of the beauty of landscape of Auckland. Drive-thru service We will open a drive-thru window to lets customers enjoy more convenience services. Due to the busy lifestyle, consumers are more prefer the fast services. They try to find out ways that bring convenience for them. Citizen of Auckland prefers drive their own vehicle to travel. As we know that, 95% of Auckland citizen are travelling by their own vehicles. Therefore, the parking lots maybe is insufficient for the number of vehicles. Thus, we should have drive-thru service to provide convenience for consumers who cannot find the parking lots. Besides that, drive-thru service also convenience for office workers. This is because during lunch time hour, they are prefer meal which is fast and easy to consume. For them, drive thru service will become their first choice service because they can get their meal at the time and straight away can drive their vehicle leave the restaurant. Furthermore, for consumer who ordering food from our officer website, they also can get their food from drive thru service in order to save their time for searching to the parking lot. Sometimes there are not enough seats for consumers during peak season such as Christmas and New Year celebration. For consumers who want to eat our satay but do not have patient to waiting for our restaurant seats, they may just purchase satay by using our drive thru service and enjoy satay at their home with their friends and family. Online mode For online mode, customers can visit to our restaurants officer website to make their orders. Menu will be display in our officer website. Picture of meals and drinks will be display in the menu so that customer can easily know what foods are available. These make them easy to make order too. Quality and time can be selected inside the order blanket. Besides that, customers can also select type of meat that they want for their satay. Type of sauces will be serving based on the customers want and needs. Customers can also order drinks previously at our officer website if they not willing to waste time